Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Research Essay Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Essay - Research Paper Example The onset of international business growth and ease of access to information worldwide because of the improvement of technology, state boundaries became less important because geographic and social boundaries changed and became accommodative. The new era of globalization, which became popular particularly in the 1970s brought changes, opportunities and new considerations and challenges because it created a free market in the world compared to when globalization was an unknown phenomenon. Globalization has facilitated the formation of a common market all over the world based on a liberal exchange of goods, services and money. Therefore, economic globalization refers to the increase of integration of markets across political boundaries. The oil industry captures the aspect of globalization through the growth of MNEs and a free international market for oil products (Golove, 1996:135). Globalization has affected the oil industry in a variety of ways. Oil-exporting states occupy an inconsistent position in the international system because of several aspects. First, in terms of economy, these states are highly globalized and are highly dependent on international trade, labor and finance. All these states are the source of a commodity that is significantly vital to all sections of the world making them influential states in the world. However, these states are not politically globalized because they are not likely to sign major treaties or join intergovernmental organizations. Most of them defy the global norms of human rights in search of cheap labor (Mitchell, Marcel & Mitchell, 2012:23). All over the world, economic globalization is related to political globalization because economic globalization only works through international trade, business, and finance and labor exchanges. Political globalization also ensures that economic globalization grows because it opens local

Monday, October 28, 2019

Interpersonal Relationship Essay Example for Free

Interpersonal Relationship Essay Introduction Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations. American Nurses Association (ANA) An interpersonal relationship is an association between two or more people that may range from fleeting to enduring. ( Seemingly to Hildegard Peplau, nursing is an interpersonal process because it involves interaction between two or more individuals with a common goal. Peplau, emphasized the nurse-client relationship as the foundation of nursing practice. A therapeutic nurse-patient relationship is defined as a helping relationship thats based on mutual trust and respect, the nurturing of faith and hope, being sensitive to self and others, and assisting with the gratification of your patients physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through your knowledge and skill. This caring relationship develops when you and your patient come together in the moment, which results in harmony and healing. Effective verbal and nonverbal communication is an important part of the nurse-patient interaction, as well as providing care in a manner that enables your patient to be an equal partner in achieving wellness. (Pullen Mathias 2010) Patient-centered communication is a basic component of nursing which facilitates the development of a positive nurse-patient relationship and along with other organizational factors, results in the delivery of quality nursing care. In most instances, a nurse plays an essential role in the life of a patient. The concerns and cares they give to their patients is a big factor that uplifts each one’s spirit, therefore the goal of the nurses of Olivarez College BSN IV is to create a harmonious relationship between their patients through a well organize and meaningful interactions. The study of the relationship between patient and nurse is important to see how efficient a patient recovers, to understand his illness fully; whether there’s a chance of recovery or nothing to expect at all. Moreover, the role of the nurse is to lessen the emotional and physical pain of every patient. In dealing with these, a need for better communication strategies and methods should be applied. There may be some existing practices exercised by hospitals for their nurses and patients, but a thorough study to improve it better is an advantage. (Cruz, JA 2010) One good way of communicating with a patient is by merely listening to them. Letting them express their thoughts and anxieties may help them feel better. Furthermore, an understanding smile, a good sense of humor, a compassionate outlook and friendly gestures can alleviate their pain and anxiety. The focus of this research is the patient’s perception of an effective nurse-patient relationship. The most common method of interaction is communication. Communication is the sending of ones information to another and may be done verbally or non-verbally. Background of the Study An internal problem of nurses is common. There are so many things to adjust especially working with people that they knew for the 1st time. An interpersonal problem not only occurs with co-workers, it can also be applied with nurse-patient relationship. Everyday different types of patient are being encountered by the nurses. This study gives interest to the researchers to develop and enhanced interpersonal skills and confidence during nurse-patient interaction in the area. Mostly, nurses do not practice good communication skills because of low-self esteem to deal with the patient, resulting to the insufficient gathering of important details and information on the patient’s data. Nursing students should practice well on developing nurse-patient relationship to be an effective and a qualified nurse. Nurse has important role enhancing communication skills. Nurses play an important role in health communication. They are the ones who are always in close contact with the patients. Having effective communication skills and being able to employ them in communicating to the patients is very essential for every nurse. A nurse must be able to communicate effectively to the patient, its family and their co-workers, as well. It is important for health care personnel to understand the doubts, fears and the anxieties of the patients who come to them for treatment. It is equally important to talk in an understanding tone to those who have not voiced their fears but are obviously scared. Patience is also essential in dealing with hard headed and unbeliever patients especially when the patient is suffering and in pain during medication and they tend to refuse taking medicines anymore. Nurses feel a sense of accomplishment when they give a positive influence on their client’s health status. Learning experiences with simulation offer the nursing student an opportunity to further develop knowledge, skills and critical thinking abilities prior to practicing in the clinical setting. Role play, as well as manikin use, can enhance the nursing student’s ability to respond to a variety of patient care scenarios before actually encountering them in the clinical setting (Billings Halstead, 2005). Active learning with immediate feedback reinforces the nursing student’s performance and confidence in relating to patients and other professionals in the healthcare setting (Billings Halstead, 2005). A student nurse can easily relate to the situation of their patients in terms of their know-how and further sturdy of their illnesses. This study aims to know how patients can perceive and cooperate for the fulfilment of their rehabilitation. Cutcliffe and McKenna (2005) reported that during treatment, hospital and community patients interact more with nurses than with any other health professional in the multidisciplinary team. These authors also highlighted that nurses are continuing to expand their role into medical and even surgical practice. Nursing proves as difficult to define as ‘care’, which means that the role of the nurse and how it is differentiated from other health professions is often misunderstood. Perhaps nurses provide care and doctors provide trea tment, but (McMahon 2007) argues that neither addresses the skills and knowledge needed in modern nursing to provide good-quality care, nor explains why students take three years to train before they become qualified nurses. Since Florence Nightingale’s time, nursing could be seen as having moved from a task-oriented practice towards a therapeutic process that encompasses a wide range of nursing roles, focused on the individual patient and his or her health and well-being. (McMahon 2007) attempts to define therapeutic nursing abilities as being characterized by six skills: developing the nurse-patient relationship; caring and comforting; using evidence-based physical interventions; teaching; manipulating the environment; adopting complementary health practices. These are all the skills developed by nurses during their pre-registration education; all of them demand good communication skills for effectiveness. It appears that this argument supports the notion that ‘nursing’, in addition to the applied knowledge and attitude, is underpinned essentially by communication skills. Review of Related Literature and Studies FOREIGN The relationship between the nurse and the patient is often seen as a therapeutic relationship in itself that is based on partnership, intimacy, and reciprocity (McMahon, 2007). Its purpose is different from a social relationship in that it has a focus on the patient’s well-being as a priority, and the nurse and the patient do not need to have anything in common or even like each other (Arnold and Boggs, 2006). This relationship can last only five minutes in an accident and emergency department or primary care practice, or can continue and develop for months or years during chronic illness management. It can be intensely personal when breaking bad news, or quite superficial such as when directing a patient to the appropriate clinic room. However, all of these scenarios are nurse-patient encounters that impart to the patient something of the support and meaningfulness of their engagement with health care. They tell the patient whether they are viewed as important and valued, and whether they will be listed to or discriminated against. Since Florence Nightingale’s time, nursing could be seen as having moved from a task-oriented practice towards a therapeutic process that encompasses a wide range of nursing roles, focused on the individual patient and his or her health and well-being. (McManhon 2007) attempts to define therapeutic nursing abilities as being characterized by six skills: developing the nurse-patient relationship; caring and comforting; using evidence-based physical interventions; teaching; manipulating the environment; adopting complementary health practices. These skills are developed by nurses during their pre-registration education; all of them demand good communication skills for effectiveness. It appears that this argument supports the notion that ‘nursing’, in addition to the applied knowledge and attitude, is underpinned essentially by communication skills. For instance, reticence from the others may prompt encouraging remarks of prompt questioning timing of social responses: This requires the communicator to know when to speak, when to listen, when to interrupt or prompt, or when to take the lead or be led. Self-presentation: A good communicator has self-awareness and is able to use this self-knowledge to present themselves to the other. This gives the other feedback about who the communicator is and therefore how to interpret and respond to them. For instance, sitting in a forward-leaning position assures the other that they are being listened to. Rewardingness: This is the ability to engage the other in the communication and know how to reward communication behaviour. For instance, using nods, smiles, and eye contact encourages someone to talk about themselves. For instance, if they realize that being dressed formally is off putting to a young teenager, they can respond by removing a tie or rolling up their sleeves. Argyle breaks communication skills down into behavioural skills rather than skills of insight, understanding, and cognition. Another definition of good communication comes from (Becker et al.) who suggest that skilful communicator ‘must be able to identify the emotions or intent expressed by the other person and make sophisticated judgements about the form and timing of the appropriate response ‘. In this definition, the skilled communicator uses accurate perception and good judgement to understand the interactions and know how to make appropriate judgements. It may be that all of these factors are part of the skills of a good communicatorthat skills are made up of a good sense of reality, awareness of self and others, accurate reading of situations, good timing, and ability to use the self to facilitate meaningful and positive communication. Many of these skills can be learnt and developed through the practice and through personal development by improving self-awareness, and awareness and understanding of other people and heir cognitive and emotional states. Related Studies Patients’ Perceptions of Interpersonal Continuity of Care by Nancy Pandhi, MD and John W. Saultz, MD (2005) this is the qualitative and quantitative study of Interpersonal continuity of care is important to a majority of patients, particularly those from vulnerable groups. Patients value the relationship with their physician, their physician’s knowledge about them, and the ability to communicate their concerns. Over time, contact with a physician seems to lead to the development of trust and confidence. However, continuity of care is not valued by all patients or across all settings. Nurse-patient relationship: analysis of problems Encountered by the nursing students of Olivarez College (2010). In this study the purpose of descriptive studies is to observe, describe and document aspects of a situation as it naturally occurs and sometimes to observe as a starting point for the hypothesis be it as general or theory development. The survey analyzed the data of the faculty needs of the nursing college department, the degree on which these needs were met. Synthesis Patients’ Perceptions of Interpersonal Continuity of Care by Nancy Pandhi, MD and John W. Saultz, MD (2005) this is the qualitative and quantitative study of Interpersonal continuity of care is important to a majority of patients, particularly those from vulnerable groups. Patients value the relationship with their physician, their physician’s knowledge about them, and the ability to communicate their concerns. Over time, contact with a physician seems to lead to the development of trust and confidence. However, continuity of care is not valued by all patients or across all settings. The studies utilized results quantitative (19/36), qualitative (16/36), or mixed methods (1/36). The largest number of the studies (15/36) took place in the United States. Several took place in the United Kingdom (8/36), The Netherlands (4/36), and Canada (4/36). The remainder took place in other European countries (2/36), Australia (2/36) or both the United States and England (1/36). All recruited patients from ambulatory settings. A summary of results from these studies regarding our contextual questions is reported below. Nurse-patient relationship: analysis of problems Encountered by the nursing students of Olivarez College (2010). In this study the purpose of descriptive studies is to observe, describe and document aspects of a situation as it naturally occurs and sometimes to observe as a starting point for the hypothesis be it as general or theory development. The survey analyzed the data of the faculty needs of the nursing college department, the degree on which these needs were met. According to researchers, this study is a qualitative phenomological research to a patient-centered communication is a basic component of nursing which facilitates the development of a positive nurse-patient relationship and along with other organizational factors, results in the delivery of quality nursing care. In most instances, a nurse plays an essential role in the life of a patient. The concerns and cares they give to their patients is a big factor that uplifts each one’s spirit, therefore the goal of nurses of Olivarez College BSN IV is to create a harmonious relationship between their patients through a well-organized and meaningful interactions. Theoretical Framework This study is based on Hildegard Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations. The Theory of Interpersonal Relations is a middle-range descriptive classification theory. It was influenced by Henry Stack Sullivan, Percival Symonds, Abraham Maslow, and Neal Elger Miller. The four components of the theory are: person, which is a developing organism that tries to reduce anxiety caused by needs; environment, which consists of existing forces outside of the person, and put in the context of culture; health, which is a word symbol that implies forward movement of personality and other human processes toward creative, constructive, productive, personal, and community living. The nursing model identifies four sequential phases in the interpersonal relationship: orientation, identification, exploitation, and resolution. The orientation phase defines the problem. It starts when the nurse meets the patient, and the two are strangers. After defining the problem, the orientation phase identifies the type of service needed by the patient. The patient seeks assistance, tells the nurse what he or she needs, asks questions, and shares preconceptions and expectations based on past experiences. Essentially, the orientation phase is the nurses assessment of the patients health and situation. The identification phase includes the selection of the appropriate assistance by a professional. In this phase, the patient begins to feel as if he or she belongs, and feels capable of dealing with the problem which decreases the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. The identification phase is the development of a nursing care plan based on the patients situation and goals. The exploitation phase uses professional assistance for problem-solving alternatives. The advantages of the professional services used are based on the needs and interests of the patients. In the exploitation phase, the patient feels like an integral part of the helping environment, and may make minor requests or use attention-getting techniques. When communicating with the patient, the nurse should use interview techniques to explore, understand, and adequately deal with the underlying problem. The nurse must also be aware of the various phases of communication since the patients independence is likely to fluctuate. The nurse should help the patient exploit all avenues of help as progress is made toward the final phase. This phase is the implementation of the nursing plan, taking actions toward meeting the goals set in the identification phase. The final phase is the resolution phase. It is the termination of the professional relationship since the patients needs have been met through the collaboration of patient and nurse. They must sever their relationship and dissolve any ties between them. This can be difficult for both if psychological dependence still exists. The patient drifts away from the nurse and breaks the bond between them. A healthier emotional balance is achieved and both become mature individuals. This is the evaluation of the nursing process. The nurse and patient evaluate the situation based on the goals set and whether or not they were met. The goal of psychodynamic nursing is to help understand ones own behavior, help others identify felt difficulties, and apply principles of human relations to the problems that come up at all experience levels. Peplau explains that nursing is therapeutic because it is a healing art, assisting a patient who is sick or in need of health care. It is also an interpersonal process because of the interaction between two or more individuals who have a common goal. The nurse and patient work together so both become mature and knowledgeable in the care process.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Why Xeon Doesnt React :: essays research papers

Xenon is a rare, colorless, odorless, tasteless, chemically unreactive gas. It is one of the inert gas elements found in group 0 of the periodic table. Xenon was long considered incapable of chemical reaction, but in 1962 Neil Bartlett, a Canadian chemist, reported synthesis of xenon hexafluoroplatinate, XePtF6, a true compound. Before 1962, people thought that xenon and other noble gases were unable to form compounds. Now, xenon's reported compounds are sodium perxenate, xenon deutetrate, xenon hydrate, difluoride, tetrafluride and hexafluoride. Xenon is present in the atmosphere in extremely low concentration (about one part in 20 million). It is obtained commercially from liquid air. Xenon is used in certain photographic flash lamps, in high-intensity arc lamps for motion picture projection, and in high-pressure arc lamps to produce ultraviolet light. It is used in numerous instruments for radiation detection, e.g., neutron and X-ray counters and bubble chambers. It has found som e use in medicine, e.g., as an experimental anesthetic. Naturally occurring xenon is a mixture of 9 stable isotopes 20 short-lived radioactive isotopes are also known. A mixture of stable and unstable isotopes of xenon is produced in nuclear reactors during neutron fission of uranium one of these, xenon-135, is a very good neutron absorber and must be removed since it poisons the reaction. Xenon was discovered spectroscopically in 1898 by William Ramsay and M. W. Travers, who obtained it by fractional distillation of an impure sample of krypton. Xenon as well as the other noble gasses require an incredible amount of pressure for them to react, which makes them very inert since such a large amount of pressure does not occur naturally.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Othello Essays -- essays research papers

â€Å"Othello’s stature as a tragic hero is severely compromised by the alacrity with which he turns against his wife, and by his failure to achieve any real self knowledge† To what extent do you agree? Othello’s stature as a tragic hero is severely compromised by the speed and ease with which he turns against his wife, and by his failure to achieve any real self knowledge. In the Shakespearian tragedy of Othello, we witness the character of Othello fall from a position of control in Venetian society due to a combination of different reasons. Othello has a deep self-love for himself, and it is because of this he turns against his wife Desdemona with a great speed and ease. A traditional ‘tragic hero’ portrays four major characteristics: firstly, the tragic hero is a figure of high standing/esteem in the community; secondly, there is an agency that leads to the fall of the hero whether within the hero himself or from an outside figure/source; the third characteristic is a moment of self-realisation or self-awareness and the last characteristic is that the fall of the hero results in death. Othello is portrayed as a well-respected citizen within the Venetian society. He can be seen as an intelligent and heroic military leader whose skill is indeed very valuable and necessary to the state and he knows this. His military success has promoted his position within Venetian society, and as a ‘Moor’ within the white dominated society, he has a strong desire to maintain his social standing, and is prepared to sacrifice anything which threatens his reputation, which leads to the eventual death of Desdemona. Othello is trusted by everyone in Venice being called, â€Å"valiant Othello† and â€Å"brave Othello† and described as â€Å"...more fair than black† (I, iii, 286). He has been given full martial and political command of Cyprus and is a figure of high standing and esteem within the Venetian community. Othello’s flaw or weakness lies in his hubris, or exaggerated pride in himself, and he continually refers to it saying â€Å"Let [Brabantio] do his spite, my services which I have done the signiory / Shall out-tongue his complaints...† (I, ii, 17-19) and that â€Å"...[his] parts, [his] title, and [his] perfect soul / Shall manifest [him] rightly...† (I, ii, 31-32). It is due to his obsession with his pride, his self-esteem and his self image which leads to his loss of self control and hi... ...the sweetest innocent / That did e’er did lift up eye† (V, ii, 197-198), that she was false, and rather than realising his weaknesses and flaws, he takes the blame away from himself saying the murder was planned by fate: â€Å"...O ill-stared wench!..† After he has committed the crime, Othello makes sure that he is remembered as the hero he believed himself to be, once again his hubris encompassing him, saying: â€Å"...I have done the state some service and they know’t: ...Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate, Nor set down aught in malice...speak Of one that loved not wisely, but too well; Of one not easily jealous but, being wrought, Perplexed in the extreme...† (V, ii, 335-342). Othello’s never accepts his tragic flaw as self-knowledge, nor does he accept responsibility for the death of his innocent wife Desdemona. Othello is unable to see himself as a member of the Venetian society, and â€Å"it is the tension between Othello’s victimisation at the hands of a foreign culture and his own willingness to torment himself† along with the alacrity with which he turns against his wife and his failure to achieve self-knowledge which severely compromise Othello’s stature as a tragic hero.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How To Catch Fish In Southern California Environmental Sciences Essay

This paper discusses how to catch a batch of fish while seawater fishing in Southern California. It discusses three chief types of fishing: kayak, breaker, and party boats. It talks about cogwheel needed for each type of fishing, locations in which to angle, and what fish to angle for during different times of the twelvemonth. Often times, some say that fishing is non a athletics for them. It is frequently considered to be deadening, and some say they do non hold the forbearance to sit around and wait for a fish to seize with teeth. While some may non hold forbearance to wait on fish, the chief job is non that it takes excessively long for fish to seize with teeth, They merely do non cognize how to acquire fish to seize with teeth. Catching a batch of fish takes a batch more than merely throwing a worm on a hook and fliping it into the H2O. Although this method may work from clip to clip, but for existent action one must acquire a little more involved than that. One must larn to angle in order to bask catching many fish. Saltwater fishing in southern California is an experience that will derive mass measures of assorted fish, provided the fisherman knows how to angle. One must cognize what types of fishing are available and which type he/she will angle. Another of import spot of information needed, is to take from the 1000s of points of angling cogwheel, to utilize while fishing. The locations in which to angle, is another really of import factor, that will greatly impact a fisherman ‘s result. Finally, which species to angle for, during what clip of twelvemonth, and with what tackle is the following most of import issue to catching fish. Once a fisherman has a cognition of the type of fishing to be done, the cogwheel needed for each type of fishing, the locations to angle, and the species of fish to angle for, he/she will get down to catch a batch of fish. The first measure in catching the most fish in Southern California ‘s seawater is to take a type of fishing that is best for the fisherman. â€Å" Fishing in Southern California is much like a deluxe assortment. And what ‘s so fantastic is that there are so many ways to take part in this banquet † ( Albert, 2003 ) . There are many types of fishing to be done, nevertheless with a limited paper length, merely three will be covered. The first is kayak fishing, this is a low to medium cost of on the H2O fishing that can suit into most fisherman ‘s budgets. The 2nd type is surf angling which includes fishing from shore, docks, and wharfs. Last but non least is angling off shore from a party boat, where fishers pay a captain to take them out on the H2O for specific fish. In order to find which type of fishing is to be done, the fisherman must take a closer expression at the cogwheel needed and cost for each, and find what best fits his/her budget. Kayak fishing, is one manner that a fisherman can bask angling on the H2O without the big cost of a fishing boat and care fees that come with it. â€Å" As we are all cognizant of we are in some tough economic times and even though kayak fishing is a reasonably cheap athletics relation to having a boat or engaging fishing ushers, it can still be a considerable investing † ( Cambria,2010 ) . A used kayak can usually be purchased with a monetary value scope from $ 300 up to $ 1000. A new kayak can be purchased for every bit low as $ 600 up to $ 2000 ( Cambria, 2010 ) . There are besides several locations that a kayak can be rented from for $ 50 to $ 100 a twenty-four hours. The monetary value of the kayak depends on the brand and theoretical account to be purchased or rented. For seawater fishing outside of bays and seaports it is recommended that one purchase or lease a sit on top kayak designed for managing unsmooth moving ridges, nevertheless an older theoretical account, sit in kayak will work. Another initial pick to be made in the purchase or lease of a kayak, is how many seats will be needed. For a individual individual there are individual place kayaks ; tandem and three place kayaks are besides available at a small higher monetary value, for those angling with more than one individual. Along with the purchase or lease of a kayak comes the fees of safety equipment, angling cogwheel, and establishing fees. Safety Equipment, a really of import factor while angling from a kayak. This type of fishing is done on the H2O, off from shore, so a flotation device is necessary. â€Å" Kayaks, that for one ground or another fill with H2O, either sink or go hopelessly unstable. This is less than desirable † ( Hutchinson, 2004 ) . There are several floatation devices available that scope from life waistcoat to existent kayak floats ; the monetary values of these vary by brand and theoretical account but can be purchased for every bit low as $ 20 and up to $ 200. It is of import to besides retrieve that while kayaking the fisherman is exposed to sunlight, so it is really of import to hold sun block and a chapeau to assist protect from Sun Burnss ( Hutchinson, 2004 ) . The Sun can be an enemy to fishing, if you get burned, it will turn a merriment and exciting twenty-four hours into a incubus that will non shortly be forgotten. Another safety point needed is leashs, these are cords that stretc h which are used to attach points to the kayak so that they do non acquire dropped into the H2O and sink. It is really of import to attach a leash to the paddle because if the paddle is lost the kayaker has no manner to paddle back to shore, it is besides recommended to attach fishing poles and any other points that the kayaker does non desire to lose. There are besides several other safety points which can be carried such as a cyberspace, foremost aid kit, tie down ropes, exigency stroboscope visible radiations, and many more. It is really of import to retrieve that there are ever dangers involved while boating. Basic fishing cogwheel needed to kayak fish. Saltwater anglers angling the seashore should hold at least one come-on projecting existent, a 6 to 7 1/2 pes fishing rod, a simple and easy to transport tackle box, maulerss, visible radiation to heavy weights, and plastic gigues or enticements ( Kovach, 2002 ) . An mean come-on projecting existent scopes in monetary value from $ 40 to $ 300, although these reels are more expensive than other types, the distance they can project and the retarding force system, designed to contend large fish, are far better than other theoretical accounts. The monetary value of angling rods range from $ 40 to $ 200, the better the rod, the larger fish that can be brought in without interrupting the pole. Light weight tackle boxes can be purchased for around $ 20, a tackle box must be easy to transport and little plenty to maintain in the kayaks limited infinites. Hooks, weights, and gigues or enticements will change in monetary value and depend on the spec ies to be fished for. The following factor in Kayak fishing, is cognizing where to angle. The full seashore of Southern California can be fished with a kayak, nevertheless, with the little scope of a kayak, it is of import to hold a launch site that will acquire the fisherman near to the fish. The easiest topographic points to establish a kayak is within a bay or seaport, although establishing from any beach along the seashore is possible, they are difficult to establish from, because of the breakage waves that one must contend, merely to acquire in the H2O. The bays along the southern seashore that can be launched from are as follows: San Diego, Mission, Encina, Newport, and San Pedro. The Harbors that are easy launch from are Dana Point, Huntington, and Los Angeles ( Kovach, 2002 ) . Most of these bays have free launch sites with free parking for those launching manus carried H2O trade, this is really good when on a budget. Great fishing can non merely be done in these bays and seaports, but they provid e entree to seashore, provided that the fisherman does non acquire sea sick. After taking a location to angle, the following measure is larning how to angle the location. This may even be the most of import factor in catching fish on a kayak, holding the right cogwheel in the right location is great, but without the cognition of how to angle the country, really few fish will be caught. A fish has merely two demands during most of its life, happening something to eat and avoiding being eaten, hence fish like to hold some signifier of screen near a current that brings nutrient stopping point to them ( Kaminsky, 1997 ) . Inside bays and seaports are many anchored canvas boats and yachts, every bit good as docks for fish to conceal under for screen. These bays and seaports besides ever have a strong current, so they are a great topographic point to catch fish. The current can be used to float through the bay or seaport, projecting near the boats and docks to entice the fish out of concealing for something to eat. With the same rule in head, angling outside of the bay or seaport should be done looking for the same factors, screen and current. Kelp beds ( seaweed ) , provide great screen for fish every bit good as under H2O reefs, canons, and peep ( Stienstra, 2008 ) . If a fisherman has added a fish finder to his/her kayak, so happening these reefs, canons, and peep will let for catching a big figure of fish which hide in them. Give the high monetary values for fish finders, most kayakers will non be equipped with one, so happening kelp beds on top of the H2O along the seashore provides for great fishing activity. Fishing these kelp beds is merely like angling near boats and docks, projecting near the kelp will pull the fish out from concealing for a bite to eat. The 2nd type of fishing to be enjoyed is surf fishing. â€Å" Surf fishing is adult male and nature at its best. It ‘s merely you, the boom surfs, sea birds and salt spray†¦ and hopefully the fish † ( Albert, 2003 ) . Surf fishing is another low cost manner to angle and bask the ocean. The tackle and equipment needed for breaker fishing is a 10 to 12 pes breaker angling pole with whirling rod that is capable of keeping 200-250 paces of 15 to 20 lb line. It is besides recommended to hold 2 to 6 ounce pyramid doughnuts, # 2 to # 6 maulerss, a sand spike rod holder, and come-on ( Albert, 2003 ) . An mean surf pole and stagger combination can normally be purchased from most retail shops at a monetary value scope from $ 35 to $ 100, these combinations normally come with the 15 to 20 lb line included. The remainder of the fishing cogwheel needed to surf fish can be purchased at merely about any retail shop for less than $ 50 sum. After the basic cogwheel for breaker fishing is acquired, the following most of import measure to set downing fish is cognizing where to angle. Southern California provides many countries to surf fish, most of the seashore is comprised of beaches which are great for breaker fishing, there are besides many wharfs and docks that can be utilized. Fishing from the beach, is non merely a great manner to angle that provides many species of fish, but it is a great manner to pass a twenty-four hours an flushing off from life on the beach. This requires the usage of a sand spike which holds the pole up high and keeps the line above the breakage moving ridges ( Pfeiffer, 2008 ) . Although beaches are beautiful to angle from, one may non cognize where to angle, because during a high tide all that can be seen is beach and ocean. The best manner to cognize where to angle from the beach is to look into out the beach at low tide and so angle at high tide. During the low tide, cuts and trenches in t he ocean floor can be seen. When high tide comes in, fish swim in these cuts and trenches looking for nutrient ( Ristori, 2008 ) . Once a fisherman knows where the fish will be, they can project into these countries and delay for the following fish looking for some nutrient. This may non be the fastest paced fishing, but it is great for disbursement clip with friends and household while fishing. For more impatient fisherman, gigues can be continually be cast out into these trenches and reeled in for more fishing activity. Another great manner to surf fish is from a wharf or dock, this is a signifier of fishing that opens the fisherman ‘s options up to whatever fish is swimming by. Three chief manner to angle from a wharf or dock are to drop the line straight down and wait for fish swimming and concealing under the wharf or dock ; projecting come-on out every bit far as possible, and allowing it set to catch anything liquid by ; or to project and existent come-ons and gigues in invariably maintaining them traveling, to catch fish that like unrecorded action come-on ( Albert, 2003 ) . With so many options, angling these wharfs and docks can supply much action throughout a twenty-four hours. If one manner is non working, another manner can be tried, and finally angle will be caught. None of the ways to angle from a wharf or dock plants better than the others, it is merely a affair of which manner works best during each visit. Fishing from a party boat is another great manner to saltwater fish Southern California. This type of angling takes the least cognition of how to angle and provides the most fish caught, nevertheless, it is besides one of the most expensive ways to saltwater fish. These boats have good successful captains and good trained crews that aid even the novitiate fisherman catch fish like a professional ( Albert, 2003 ) . It is of import to retrieve, these crews get paid to assist people catch fish, the captains know the good fishing musca volitanss and the crews know what come-ons and gear plants best for catching the fish. If a fisherman will inquire the crew a batch of inquiries, he/she will go forth the boat with a cognition of how to catch fish. Choosing a party boat, likely the hardest portion to catching fish on party boat is taking from the many boats available. These boats range from half twenty-four hours to seven twenty-four hours trips, and the cost scope from around $ 40 to 100s of dollars depending on the length. Fishing poles and all the cogwheel needed can be rented from the set downing supplying the boat for around an excess $ 20. It is recommended to hold at least two poles, maulerss, and heavy weights. â€Å" The longer the clip spent on the H2O the more chances for tapping the premier fish-holding countries † ( Kovach, 2002 ) . The longer the trip the farther the boat can go, so with longer trips there are more options for different fish. The chief factor in taking which boat to take most frequently depends on the fisherman ‘s budget. Another issue, is holding adequate clip to take these trips. An mean half twenty-four hours trip is around six hours long, three one-fourth twenty-four hours trips a re from eight to ten hours in length, and a full twenty-four hours trip is twenty four hours. Checking fish counts is another issue when taking the right party boat. This is frequently and unmarked portion when taking a party boat, each set downing provides a fish count from the old trip ( Kovach, 2002 ) . These fish counts tell anglers how many fish and what species are being caught so they can take what type of fish to angle for. Fish counts are non ever a great index of how fishing will be, some yearss are merely bad yearss, storms or cold foreparts may hold contributed to a low fish count. When watching fish counts, one can state that the best clip to take a party boat, is when they have been catching a batch of fish. The concluding factor to look at while taking a party boat is the location. Party boats operate out of over a twelve locations along the southern seashore. The landings from which they operate are as follows: Morro Bay, Avila Beach, Goleta, Santa Monica, Redondo Beach, San Pedro, Long Beach, Seal Beach, Newport Harbor, Dana Harbor, Oceanside, Mission Bay, and San Diego Bay ( Albert, 2003 ) . Different locations have many different variables such as H2O temperature, surface conditions, and species available for angling. The farther South, the heater Waterss with sandier undersides which are great for warmer H2O fish like Tuna. More northern locations do non hold as warm of H2O and have more bouldery undersides, so rock fish are normally aimed for when angling these boats. After taking the type of fishing, geting the basic cogwheel needed, and taking a location to angle, a fisher must cognize what type of fish to angle for. This requires cognizing what type of fish are available at what seasons and what come-on or undertake the fish will seize with teeth. There are over 250 types of fish in the Pacific ocean ( Dunaway, 2004 ) . This adds to the exhilaration of seawater fishing, because it is about impossible to cognize all the types of fish that are in the ocean and what they eat or what come-ons to utilize, so one can ne'er state precisely what fish will caught on any given twenty-four hours. However, if a fisherman has no thought of what to angle for, opportunities are they will non catch many fish, because they do non cognize what come-on or tackle to utilize. Due to H2O temperature alterations throughout the twelvemonth, different fish are available at different times. The most common species of fish available in Southern California are Yellowfin Tuna, Albacore Tuna, Big Eye Tuna, Dorado, Yellowtail, Barracuda, Calico Bass, Bonito, Sand Bass, Rock Fish, Halibut, Sharks, and Rock Cod. These fish are available at different clip of the twelvemonth, Yellowtail, Halibut, Rockfish, Sharks, and Rock Cod are around all twelvemonth. Barracuda, Calico Bass, Bonito, and Sand bass can be caught from May through October. Yellowfin Tuna, are merely available between July through October. Albacore Tuna come along the seashore from June through September. Big Eye Tuna can be found between August and September, and Dorado can merely be caught from July through September ( Mailly, 2010 ) . Occasionally throughout the twelvemonth, warmer currents may convey other species that are usually found further south, while at other times colder currents sometimes br ing in fish that are usually found further north. Knowing when these fish are available, makes it easier to be after angling trips and cognize what may be seize with teething. Having a cognition of what fish are around during what clip of twelvemonth is a large aid in catching them, nevertheless, an apprehension of what come-ons and undertake each fish will seize with teeth will increase the fisherman ‘s opportunities well. Bait is some signifier of existent nutrient for fish, in most instances come-on should be something that is natural to the environment being fished ( Ristori, 2008 ) . The best seawater come-ons for Southern California are squid, anchovies, mussels, clam, pilchards, and sand worms. Tackle, sometimes referred to as gigues or enticements is meant to portray some signifier of come-on in the country, although sometimes fish will strike something that does non resemble anything else in the ocean. ( Ristori, 2008 ) . Most saltwater fish can be caught utilizing a piece of come-on on a hook, but some are more prone to strike on unrecorded come-on or gigues that are traveling. Yellowfin Tuna, Albacore Tuna, Big Eye Tuna, Dorado, Yellowtail , Barracuda, Calico Bass, Bonito, and Halibut prefer unrecorded come-ons or gigues that imitate them. Sand Bass and Rock fish are more disposed to strike on balls of come-on on a hook but while angling in the bays, these fish will strike on different colored gigues. Shark will merely approximately eat anything but the best action for them is with large balls of come-on on a hook. When nil is seize with teething the come-on or jigs one is utilizing, it is easy to acquire discouraged and give up on the twenty-four hours of fishing, but during these times, it is a good thought to seek different come-ons or gigues that are non normally used, sometimes the fish will merely hit off the wall points ( Kovach, 2002 ) . Many fisherman can verify that sometimes fish merely wo n't seize with teeth anything that they normally would, other times they will hit anything in the H2O, it is of import to non acquire discouraged and seek something new every one time in a piece. Once the fisherman knows what come-on will be used, he/she will necessitate to hold the right hook for that come-on. Proper hook choice, is frequently, the most unmarked piece of equipment in a seawater angler ‘s tackle box Large maulerss, can curtail motion of come-ons, while excessively little of a hook, can ensue in hapless incursion. A frail hook, may interrupt when contending stronger fish, and a heavy responsibility hook can change action of enticements and come-ons ( Kovach, 2002 ) . This being said, hook choice is really of import, and the best manner to cognize what hook to utilize for what come-on or enticements, is to inquire person at a come-on shop. Normally the people who work at come-on shops have a cognition of what they are selling and how to angle with it. If taking a party boat out, the crew specialize in how to set up a line to catch fish, so it is really of import to inquire inquiries. The most common used hook for seawater come-on is a saltwater # 2, but o nce more different come-ons need different maulerss. After the proper hook is achieved, one must cognize how to hook their come-on in order to catch a fish. â€Å" An angler may have the finest tackle in the universe yet non hold productive yearss on the Pacific because he does non cognize proper hooking methods † ( Kovach, 2002 ) . Other than calamari, come-on tends to fall away of a hook really easy, so cognize how or where to hook come-on is really of import. Anchovies, pilchards, and any other little fish that may be used as come-on can be hooked through the oral cavity and skull to guarantee it will remain on, this besides will do them look like a unrecorded swimming come-on while floating in the H2O. For unrecorded come-on, it is of import non to kill the fish while hooking it, so it is recommended to hook them in a gill, behind the eyes, or in the tail. These methods of hooking take pattern to happen the right topographic point that it will non easy interrupt free. Squid is the easiest of all come-ons to hook, because wit h its rubbery tegument, it will keep to a hook all twenty-four hours. It is besides of import to retrieve that fish should see come-on and non a hook when they are nearing 1s line. â€Å" Give a adult male a fish, and you feed him for today. Teach a adult male to angle, and you feed him for a life-time † ( Moncur, n.d. ) Becoming a fisherman is more of a challenge than is assumed, there are many factors that need to be learned before one can truly catch a batch of fish. Once one has learned how to catch fish, it is possible for them to hold ne'er stoping angling action.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo (1958) Essay Essays

Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo (1958) Essay Essays Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo (1958) Essay Essay Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo (1958) Essay Essay Vertigo is a 1958 movie directed by Alfred Hitchcock that has stood the trial of clip in the horror genre. It is considered to be one of the seminal movies in the genre non merely because it set the tone for the movies to follow but besides because it exhibited legion characteristics and techniques that would function to revolutionize the manner in which films were made. The camera angles. usage of infinite. filming. particular effects and sound all contribute to the overall consequence achieved. As such. this essay will analyze each of the above with a position to reasoning that Hitchcock rejuvenated the horror genre with Vertigo and provided a maestro category in utilizing cinematic techniques for consequence. The first technique of note is the manner in which camera angles are used in order to make an ambiance of fright. giving the feeling that the characters are traveling in one barbarous circle. The usage of the camera â€Å"†¦ simulates panicked feelings of acrophobia ( fright of highs ) felt by Scottie Ferguson ( James Stewart ) . † ( Pramaggiore A ; Wallis. 2004. p. 127 ) . For illustration. at one point in the movie. a stairway is filmed from the really top. This non merely alludes to the cyclical nature of the narrative because the bell tower stairway is so round but besides narrows the shooting. The semblance of falling from a great tallness is fostered in this shooting and so in others. like that in which Stewart appears to be standing on the shelf. Furthermore. the camera angles besides link straight to the semblance of infinite: â€Å"†¦ serves as a templet for cardinal subjects: the topography of a metropolis and its environing countryside matched by quandary of sexual pick. guilt and compulsion. † ( Orr. 2005. p. 137 ) . The position from the bell tower ever appears to be black. therefore mirroring the overtones of the secret plan. The sound used besides highlights the cyclical nature of the narrative. In an interview in Sight and Sound. Scorsese pointed out that â€Å"†¦ the music is besides built around spirals and circles. fulfillment and desperation. Herrmann truly understood what Hitchcock was traveling for – he wanted to perforate to the bosom of compulsion. † ( 2004 ) . Scorsese’s appraisal is right and this is typified by the scenes in which Madeline and Judy fall to their deceases. The sound is similar in both cases and actively signifies the sarcasm that the get downing point of the film is besides the terminal. However. it is non merely the usage of music that has a important impact of the tone of the film but besides the silence. Hitchcock uses silence improbably good and merely provides duologue as and when he has to. For illustration. even the confession scene at the denouement of the film is non as full of vocabulary as it may be in other movies. Wordss are used meagerly and to do a point. Particular effects and cinematographic techniques are non used every bit meagerly as the duologue in an effort to convey the tenseness desired. Hitchcock doubtless used rear projection in Vertigo: â€Å"Foreground and background tend to look starkly offprint. partially because of the absence of dramatis personae shadows from foreground to play down. partially because all background planes tend to look every bit diffuse. † ( Bordwell A ; Thompson. 1996. p. 244 ) . This is an illustration of both of these characteristics and there are legion illustrations of this in the movie. such as the point at which Novak and Stewart snog against the background of the ocean. The histrions were filmed and so imposed on a natural background. therefore waiving the usage of shadow. As such. there is something innately unnatural about it. which follows the secret plan. The movie stock is besides color and this besides helps to extinguish the usage of visible radiation and dark. therefore enhances this peculiar consequence. In decision. there can be small uncertainty that Hitchcock rejuvenated the horror genre with Vertigo and provided a maestro category in utilizing cinematic techniques for consequence. There are legion techniques used within the film to assist lend to the cyclical and slightly claustrophobic atmosphere. Again. this serves to rise the tenseness. The saving usage of duologue and first-class usage of sound effects. when paired with the movie stock and clever camera angles. surely enhance the narrative and finally allowed Hitchcock to make one of the best cinematic illustrations of horror in history. Bibliography Bordwell. David A ; Thompson. Kristin. 1996. Film Art: An Introduction. 5th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill. Orr. John. 2005. Hitchcock and Twentieth Century Cinema. London: Wallflower Press. Pramaggiore. Maria A ; Wallis. Tom. 2005. Movie: A Critical Introduction. London: Laurence King Publishing. Scorsese. Martin. 2004. The Best Music in Film. Sight and Sound ( September 2004 ) . [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. bfi. org. uk/sightandsound/filmmusic/detail. php? t=d A ; q=42 [ Accessed 10 May 2010 ] . Vertigo. 1958. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. USA: Paramount Pictures.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Security threats and features of LDAP The WritePass Journal

Security threats and features of LDAP 1.   Introduction to LDAP: Security threats and features of LDAP 1.   Introduction to LDAP:2. Protocol Operation:3. Auditing features in LDAP:4. Security features of LDAP: (RFC 2829)5. Implementation of ACL over LDAPIntroduction:Example syntax for ACL syntax on LDAP server:Regular expression:LDAP search filter:Comma separated attributes:6. ReferencesRelated 1.   Introduction to LDAP: There are many protocols listed in the networking communications such as HTTP, FTP and one among them is LDAP, which is expanded as Light Weight Directory Access Protocol. LDAP is primarily used in the communication of directory services. This protocol runs depending on four models categorized as: informational model (describes about the directory), naming model (structuring and referring the directory data), functional model (describes about the mechanism of protocol on directory services access), security model (describes about the protection of data in a directory from malicious programs or any unauthorized access). This coursework explains about the various security threats that may raise during the design of a directory service and the security features that LDAP supports. Prior to that, there is a need of understanding the functionality involved and the data transfer or access between client and server needs to be discussed. Later, the directory cannot be used for storing public data if the mechanism or security support is not available for LDAP services for the applications and users. In a reason for developing trust from the users and applications, there is a need of providing some of the important security features along with LDAP systems and services. 2. Protocol Operation: LDAP is a message oriented protocol, where the LDAP client sends a request for data to LDAP server and server processes the request and returns the client with multiple messages with unique message_id as the result. The following figure explains about the protocol operation about client server communications. 3. Auditing features in LDAP: What security auditing features does LDAP support and is it possible to detect brute forcing attacks (such as NAT) against a LDAP server? The initial security feature while designing a directory can be developed based on security threat or issues that generally make a service insecure. The security problems are difficult to fix if there is no clue form the threats occurred. So, there is a need to maintain a track record of whoever has access the system and the timestamp that the system was accessed. There should be additional information about the operations performed and the impact of the operations with results of some errors or unusual conditions. With the help of such information, it can be easier to analyze the logs which can narrow down the technical security problems insight. Some of the security features in LDAP examples include break-in attempts, trawling attempts, misconfigured applications. The auditing features help in detecting the brute force attacks and supports LDAP operations with the following methods: Break-in attempt triggers when there is a multiple failures that occurred repeatedly that were noted down in the error logs due to login failure which raises a choice of break-in attempt. Trawling refers to unauthorized bulk downloads from the directory services or data from the systems. The trawling attempt is to monitor the repeated search results such that the limit for download exceeds the allotted administrative limits. Misconfigured applications: Some of the applications retrieve certain data that is not relevant to the directory systems or the data of directory services. Such application even place unnecessary load on the servers and these are rated as misconfigured applications. Auditing such information helps the administrator of the directory server to counter such threats or can also help in identifying the solutions to make the server with optimal solutions. The auditing feature is available on LDAP based account or through a local file system access in /etc directory. In most of the cases, the auditing feature is disabled by default on LDAP accounts. The command line option with audusr –a or –d makes the accounts active and disable respectively for auditions. Once the account of LDAP or local user account was authorized, then the flag for system auditing can be set to enable. Such configuration can be enabled by defining the parameter â€Å"initial_ts_auditing† in the client configuration file â€Å"/etc/opt/ldapux/ldapux_client.conf†. Auditing feature is dependent on the host specifications where the setting needs to be enabled for each and exclusive hosts. They share unique audit Ids for different LDAP based accounts which are not synchronized when they are executing in trusted mode. If the LDAP account changes or gets updated, a unique id is generated for each host that the account is created on. Initially, as discussed auditing flag will be set to disable in â€Å"/etc/opt/ldapux/ldapux_client.conf† file. Else,, if the account is deleted in the directory server, related information will not be completely deleted from the local system. Reason is that the information that is stored in the local system can be re-used when there is a need to use the account again. However, such accounts can be removed from trusted mode manually which can be specified in the directory: /tcb/files/auth/ directory, and represents the initial of the account name. 4. Security features of LDAP: (RFC 2829) Authentication security feature for LDAP can be done in two approaches one way communication, where client enters the simple password texts to the directory server in a LDAP bind operation or the server provides a SSL Secure Socket Layer certification to the client where the connection will be encrypted. Another type of network in LDAP is two way communications, where client and server exchange SSL certificates. SSL layer divides the data sent across into multiple blocks where each block is associated with check sum value to make sure that the blocks are not tampered in the transit. So, if the data sent will be signed with SSL certificate from the indicated party, there is a little chance of the data to be tampered in the transit and such security feature was termed as Signing. Encrypted data has very interesting feature that only the receiver for the data can decrypt the data with the code and possibly the sender will know the code to undo from the original. There is minimum chance for the data to get scrambled when sent through the security mechanism of encryption. There needs to be a feature developed in any directory system when the data sent needs to be acknowledged with a end to end security enabled. This feature needs to be implemented to track the data if the security was compromised and in what manner the security was lost. Such information will be logged inside the error logs of every directory server and such mechanism of tracking records and error logs is defined as auditing security feature. Firewall is the vital security feature available on LDAP directory systems which prevent unauthorized access on the resources or data inside the network or directory server. Examples are e-commerce websites that are equipped with efficient firewalls which create multiple zones of security where the zones are included with public Internet sites and internal database servers with sensitive information. These above mentioned mechanisms are the security features which are available inclusive in LDAP In the next section, the area that will be discussed on the security systems that support LDAP in keeping the directory systems more secure. Intrusion detection systems are mainly supportive while a intruder tries to look-up information and access certain secure data. These systems help in detecting such attack and signals that an attack has occurred on the directory systems. They consists of network intrusion detection systems NIDS, which identifies the network packets and system integrity verifiers SIVs, which monitor system resources such as registry settings. SSL Secure sockets layer protocol, as explained earlier is a protocol which was mainly developed for the use of making certain protocols like LDAP, HTTP etc more secure. It is mainly based on the public key cryptography that comprises of authentication, signing and encryption features of additional security to the directory systems. Kerberos provides authentication and encryption features as well with the directory systems in LDAP. SASL, Simple authentication and Security layer will be applicable for application layer protocols that can negotiate the authentication by supporting encryption, signing and authentication services. Internet Protocol Security, IPsec helps in providing a security mechanism on transport layer connections where LDAP runs on TCP Transfer Control Protocol between machines. IPsec is mainly dependent on public key technology that can be useful in administrative tasks on the directory systems. 5. Implementation of ACL over LDAP How is it possible to implement an access control list on a LDAP server? Introduction: Access control lists (ACLs) over LDAP server has the underlying reason for their implementation as to monitor the individual’s rights and permissions of access on the different resources and directories. The configuration syntaxes are defined for ACL as: {*, self, anonymous, users, Regular expression} where * represents any connected user (can be self or anonymous user) Self represents DN, distinguished name of the currently connected user who was successfully authenticated in the previous LDAP bind operation or request. Anonymous represents non-authenticated user connections Users represent the opposite of anonymous as the authenticated user connections Regular expression represents DN or a SASL identity. (Source: Carter, 2003). Example syntax for ACL syntax on LDAP server: The individual login username will be considered as the form of DN as (DN=†`cn = Gopal Krishna, ou=people, dc=Glamorgan, dc=org†) or as the form of SASL identity as (DN=†uid = gk123, cn=Gopal Krishna, cn=auth†). The access privileges vary from one user to another user narrowing from top to bottom where the intensity of access also varies accordingly. Write permission is on the top access level followed by read, search, compare, auth, none. The simplest way to monitor the access level is initially defining a default access level of authorization. The configuration file that includes all such information of LDAP is: â€Å"slapd.conf†. When there are no rules or roles generated or provided for any user, slapd.conf file has all the parameters that define the access levels for the unspecified users. Example: To assign the role or privilege of â€Å"searching the directory† is given to all the users. It can be implemented in the slapd.conf file as shown below: The next implementation of ACL on LDAP is to define the entry and attributes that needs to be applied on directories. They are categorized as: regular expression, LDAP search filter, comma-separated list of attributes. (Source: Carter, 2003). Regular expression: It defines the distinguished name (DN) of the proposed or desired ACL that needs to be set on directory systems. Then, the syntax will be written as: â€Å"dn.targetstyle=regex† where, Target style represents one of the bases (can be sub tree, one or children). It has the default value of sub tree where it is used to broaden or narrow down the scope of ACL for the authenticated or non authenticated users (anonymous users). If we consider example of sub tree comparing the target style value as one, then the scope of ACL limits to the value of children immediately next to the defined DN. However, in most of the real time scenarios, the default value does not gets changes as most of the users need to be provided the privilege of sub tree scope of limit on ACL over LDAP. Regex term represents the actual regular expression specification of DN. It follows the most commonly used normal regular expression rules such that the regular expression will not affect the DN value to make it in a normalized form. LDAP search filter: LDAP search filter is configured by specifying the filter as â€Å"Filter = ldapFilter†. If the LDAP query searches all entries of an â€Å"object class attribute†, Search scope defines the â€Å"LDAP search queries†, by default has sub tree as the target list searches for all the entries from the directory server that was defined by –b option. When the search filter targets with target style = children, number valued as one; the immediate children of the base suffix entry or searching the single entry. The entries are specified as sub, base, or one are identified by the search scope –s (RFC 2820). Comma separated attributes: The file â€Å"slapd.conf†, with the query of â€Å"slapd† returns the attributes which are non-operational. For every entry in the directory, there will be an extending list of attributes inside the directory. When the results target operational attributes, the examples of such attributes are: modify Timestamp and modifiers name. A comma separated list of attributes is written with the syntax: †attrs= attribute List†. The ACL applies to all the attributes held by such entries which match the distinguished name regular expression pattern. If there are no such search filters present and the requirement shifts towards the asterisk (*) which will be used as a placeholder that consist of every attribute list filters. If the access needs to be provided for every user, for example when a read operation needs to be allotted for all the available users, the syntax is written in the form as: Space indicates that the other line is continuation of the earlier command. The entire syntax can be written in a single line where most of the complex ACLs makes the easier readable format in such spaces. If the user needs to be restricted on the access with a password attribute, user can access and does not have any explicit permissions of read and write permissions. The implementation can be written as follows: Else, if the password permission for updating by the user, implementation of ACL on LDAP can be obtained by: (Source: Carter, 2003). 6. References LDAP System Administration by Gerald Carter, Copyright 2003 O’ Reilly Associates, Inc published on March 2003 First Ed. Understanding and Deploying LDAP Directory Services, Second Edition   By Timothy A. Howes Ph.D., Mark C. Smith, Gordon S. Good Access Control Requirements for LDAP (RFC 2820). E. Stokes, D. Byrne, B. Blakley, and P. Behera, 2000. Available on the World Wide Web at Authentication Methods for LDAP (RFC 2829). M. Wahl, H. Alvestrand, J. Hodges, and R. Morgan, 2000. Available on the World Wide Web at Chris McNab, Network Security Assessment: Know Your Network, Second Edition, O’Reilly, 2007, ISBN: 0-596-51030-6.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Smartest Girls on the Screen †Most Educated Female Characters

The Smartest Girls on the Screen – Most Educated Female Characters This one should be about famous and smart female movie characters. For example, the Poison Ivy from the Batman movie, who was a scientistAdvertising We will write a custom article sample on The Smartest Girls on the Screen – Most Educated Female Characters specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is such a pleasure to see a smart woman on screen, even if she is a totally imaginary character. It strikes a blow against painful and damaging stereotypes, and wakes up the audience to new possibilities. If she happens to be strong and decisive, all the better. There have been great female brains for decades, if you know where to look. The wonderful Katherine Hepburn was sharp as a letter opener in in Desk Set, a 1957 film with Spencer Tracy . She plays Bunny Watson, an information operator for a huge TV station. This job description is a sort of combination of Siri from the iPhone with access to Google, and a fabulous figure besides. She answers any and all sorts of questions from the other staff at the station, keeping the reporters and talking heads from making utter fools of themselves. Spencer Tracy plays an efficiency expert consultant who tries to install a computer in this entirely female-staffed department of brainy youngish women. As you might expect, he and the computer are both vanquished by love and the cleverness of Hepburn. Hepburn, in the 1949 film, Adam’s Rib, had played a lady lawyer opposing her husband in a case of a woman shooting her husband, so embodying someone smart, assertive, and highly competent was not a new sort of role for her. Tracy was her opposite number in this earlier flim, and they were joined by a wonderful comedienne, Judy Holliday. A year later, in 1959, Holliday created a territific and paradoxical smart girl role in Born Yesterday. She played the uneducated quintessentially blonde girlfriend of a self-made magnate, tutored by a handsome young professor type – Wi lliam Holden. Over the course of the movie, she learns to read and think critically and analytically. She comes into her own intellectually, and ends up showing just how smart she actually is. Needless to say, William Holden is enchanted by her, and her boorish boyfriend is kicked to the curb. More recently, consider the smartest witch at Hogwarts – Hermione Granger. She gets her male classmates out of trouble every few minutes. The Harry Potter films would be pretty one dimensional without her magical and emotional insights.Advertising Looking for article on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Consider also Sigourney Weaver’s wonderfully resourceful character, Ellen Ripley, in the Aliens series. This gal figures out how to defend herself against a swiftly evolving super-predator. In the later film, she defends her young companion as well. Weaver also portrayed a wonderfully bright woman in Avatar. Dr. Grace Augustine is the ultimate anthropologist. She immerses herself in the culture of Pandora, and ultimately becomes part of its wisdom, as the roots of the local tree life form surround her body and communicate with and through her. Of course, smart women don’t have to be blue, half-naked, or dripping alien mucous in order to be effective. In Brewster’s Millions, Lonette McKee demonstrates a woman’s total mastery of numbers. Dana Scully, of X-Files fame, is another smarty-pants woman. As a scientist, she maintains the skepticism needed to counterbalance Fox’s credulousness about things that go bump in the night. How she manages to deal with the paranormal, crypto species, and spontaneous combustion without disarranging that gorgeous red hair is a mystery in itself. Other brilliant film scientists who happen to be women include Indiana Jones’ former lover and archeological equal, Marion Ravenwood in Raiders of the Lost Ark. She is ma tched by a similarly brilliant Nazi scientist with strong feelings for both Dr. Jones senior and junior Elsa Schneider. In The Last Crusade, Elsa turns out to be a baddie, but she meets her end by following the Holy Grail into the depths of the earth literally. James Bond even encountered another scientist misguided into putting her intelligence to work for evil. Holly Goodhead in Moonraker is in the employ of the nefarious Drax. She is literally a lady rocket scientist. Such brilliant females on the side of wrong, however unintentionally, are rare but not vanishingly so. Another archeologist, and one whose role is rather ambiguous at times, is Dr, River Song in Dr. Who. She does some naughty things along the way to loving the Doctor – things that get her into prison. Meanwhile, she learns to fly the TARDIS better than he can.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on The Smartest Girls on the Screen – Most Educated Female Characters specifically fo r you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More But there are much more heinous lady villains, Think of the one-eyed villainess in Dr. Who, leading a massive army of assorted galactic races to try and defeat the Doctor. Madame Kovarian is a crafty one, she is, and she has a plan that spans decades, that involves acting as midwife to Amy Pond. However, it would be too easy to focus on the Who franchise. So many juicy parts for smart women! Think of all the other smart villainesses out there. Poison Ivy becomes both super-heroine and villainess , opposing Batman and his alter ego Bruce Wayne. She is a bit misguided, but she has a profound vision of the importance of the plant kingdom in the overall health of the Earth. She seems to have started out in the Batman comics, but being a cartoon should not be a bar to being an intelligent woman character. Think of Lisa Simpson, who is wise beyond her years, and a fine saxophonist besides. The Simpsons would be pretty silly witho ut her insights. Whether in a series, or in stand-alone films, smart women characters light up the screen. If they are smart themselves, the makers of films and TV shows will realize that audiences love brainy ladies. Here’s to intelligence in our female characters!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Multiculturalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Multiculturalism - Essay Example In general, the practice of multiculturalism is said to be effective in improving the marketing communication of the Chinese and Indians who are residing in Australia. (Zhu, Nel, and Bhat, 2006) By considering the intercultural dimension and characteristics of each customer, business people are able to create a stronger buyer-seller relationship. Among the Australian Indians, it is the creation of trust and loyalty between them and the Asian seller(s) which further creates a way to develop future business opportunities. On the other hand, the Australian Chinese develop a close relationship with its Asian suppliers in order for them to be able to be able to end up making a win-win negotiation concerning the price and quality of the products they will purchase.Aside from improving the purchasers’ relationship with the Asian suppliers, multiculturalism also improves the working relationship between Australian business owners and their employed groups of workers in the Asian count ries. As a result of implementing multiculturalism within a business institution, a company’s all business performance and efficiency can be improved.The application of multiculturalism in doing business with Asia particularly in the trading of human power, raw materials, and finished products removes the cultural barriers and racial discrimination between Australia and the Asian countries. International trading is important since it could result in a significant economic advantage on the part of Australia.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Carnival Cruise Lines Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Carnival Cruise Lines - Case Study Example 2.2 The Case Law principally is Bremen v Zapata Off-Shore Co., 407 U.S. 1 (1972), which found that â€Å"in light of present-day commercial realities and expanding international trade we conclude that the forum clause should control absent a strong showing that it should be set aside.† 2.3 Statutory Law is 28 U.S.C. 1404(a), which provides: "For the convenience of parties and witnesses, in the interest of justice, a district court may transfer any civil action to any other district or division where it might have been brought" (forum non conveniens). 3. Analysis – The spouses Shute boarded the Tropicale in Los Angeles, California, on a cruise to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and back. On the return trip, as the ship passed international waters, Eulala Shute slipped on a deck mat during a guided tour of the ship’s galley and was injured. The spouses filed suit, alleging negligence against the ship’s owners, Carnival Cruise Lines, and its employees. The action was filed in the U.S. District Court for Washington’s Western District. Carnival contended that the proper forum for the resolution of the dispute is in Florida, on the basis of the terms and conditions of the Passenger Contract Ticket. ... It also noted that a cruise line has a special interest in limiting the fora where it may be brought to court, because its customers can come from any number of locations as it is a business that transports people from place to place, and that passengers benefit from reduced fares due to the savings the cruise line realizes by limiting the fora for litigation. REACTION Upon reading the full text of the decision and after careful consideration, I would tend to disagree with the decision of the majority, and side with the dissenting opinion by Justice Stevens and joined by Justice Marshall. On the reasons given, I disagree that Carnival would be open to litigation in any number of places, because its customers would be concentrated in those areas it does business in. If Carnival has agents that market its services in certain areas, then Carnival earns money from them in their place of residence; they have sufficient operations in that area because their agent acts in their name and wit h their authorization. Furthermore, I disagree with the decision that savings from not incurring costs from filing pretrial motions directly translate to customers’ lower fares; what is certain is that without assuming anything else, it automatically adds to the firm’s profits. â€Å"Section 1404(a) is...intended to place discretion in the district courts to adjudicate motions for transfer according to an individualized, case-by-case consideration of convenience and fairness.† (Stewart Organization, Inc. v Ricoh Corporation, 487 U.S. 22 [1988]). The conditions in Bremen are unlike those in Carnival. I side with Justices Stevens and Marshall in observing that in Bremen the parties were

Electronic commerce purchase behavior Assignment

Electronic commerce purchase behavior - Assignment Example And these are to help to guide and provide important boundaries within which consumer motivations can be defined and utilised in discussions relating to online purchasing behaviours. Like most other fields, the field of online sales is generalised and critiqued appropriately through the segmentation of the markets and the identification of various interest groups and classes in the online buying population (Wu & Chou, 2011). The study indicates that databases are created as a means of providing links and procedures for the conduct of research and affairs in a given organisation and market in order to provide better and more predictable approaches and methods for data collection. There are two main variables that define the repurchase choices and decisions of people who purchase products and services on line: online relationship quality and perceived website quality (Zhanga, Fang, Wei, Ramsey, & McColee, 2011). These two variables culminate in perceived vendor expertise that builds a perceived reputation on the minds of consumers. That makes them repeat customers and clients in the organization. On the other hand, the risk and uncertainty provide a rationale for purchase whilst the intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation of the purchase lays the impetus for utilitarian value that guides purchase (Chiu, Wang, Fang, & Huang, 2014). In order to study consumer behaviour in e-commerce, some theorists identify that there are two main approaches to study and identify important factors that define the way consumer behaviour. The first is the theory of planned behaviour which relates to the actions and processes of previous e-commerce users (Del Bosque & Crespo, 2011). The second is the theory of technological acceptance which involves the new user who identifies the best approaches and systems that are used to guide the conduct of such persons (Del Bosque & Crespo, 2011). It was identified that third party support

Thursday, October 17, 2019

2- 527 abdul Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

2- 527 abdul - Assignment Example For instance, the ISO 9660 standard defines a file system used by CD-ROM media. ISO relies on eight guiding principles for the development of quality products and services, and they are important in improving professionals and other management staff (GCC Standardization Organization, 2014). First, ISO focuses on customers’ wants and customer service. Ideally, every business should relate to customers’ needs and aim at satisfying their needs, or exceeding customers’ expectations (GCC Standardization Organization, 2014). The benefits of this principle included increased profits, customer loyalty, and greater efficiency related to customer satisfaction. The second principle is collaboration of people. This principle states that a company is incomplete without staff and their talents and skills should contribute to the success of the company (GCC Standardization Organization, 2014). The principle promotes creativity and innovation in an organization, employees feel motivated when they use their skills thus, they maximize their abilities, and each employee is accountable for his or her actions. Process approach is the third principle. The principle defines the processes used in order to promote speed and efficacy of activities (GCC Standardization Organ ization, 2014). It is important since it reduces expenses, improves effectiveness of resources, and boosts the productivity of an organization (ISO, 2014). Another principle is leadership. An organization should have defined goals and employees should aim at achieving them. The primary benefit of this principle is employee involvement. Other principles include system approach to management, continuous improvement, logical-based approach, and beneficial supplier relations. ISO standards states that all these principles, aim at cost reduction, efficiency and increased productivity in an organization (GCC Standardization Organization, 2014). The ISO development process involves various

Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Marketing - Research Paper Example As Pete, the new Managing Director, points out customers do not find even venue enticing anymore. Before shops are given a fresh look to make them more attractive, it is essential to decide which class of the customers, the company wants to target at – such as business class or young couples who want to pass leisure time or ‘as a local community store working closely with neighbourhood partners as Pete points out. Kotler describes ‘product positioning’ as an essential marketing tool to carve a suitable niche as the company cannot hope to serve all segments of the market simultaneously. Product positioning will also help decide advertising campaign and brand positioning keeping in mind the targeted class of customers using scarce resources most judiciously. As Kotler emphasizes that the company needs to shift its focus on buyer wants rather than its needs. Product differentiation is a key strategy that the Roast needs to adopt in its services, product offerings with numerous varieties in its menu so that customers have several options to choose from. Thus, distinguishing company’s product line from the competition is a key marketing strategy that can play a pivotal role to attract targeted customers. Services also play an important role in differentiating with the competition so the company must focus on it as an integral part of the product differentiation strategy. Employees are considered the biggest asset in any organization and they play a pivotal role in success or failure of any organization (Schofield, 2006).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

2- 527 abdul Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

2- 527 abdul - Assignment Example For instance, the ISO 9660 standard defines a file system used by CD-ROM media. ISO relies on eight guiding principles for the development of quality products and services, and they are important in improving professionals and other management staff (GCC Standardization Organization, 2014). First, ISO focuses on customers’ wants and customer service. Ideally, every business should relate to customers’ needs and aim at satisfying their needs, or exceeding customers’ expectations (GCC Standardization Organization, 2014). The benefits of this principle included increased profits, customer loyalty, and greater efficiency related to customer satisfaction. The second principle is collaboration of people. This principle states that a company is incomplete without staff and their talents and skills should contribute to the success of the company (GCC Standardization Organization, 2014). The principle promotes creativity and innovation in an organization, employees feel motivated when they use their skills thus, they maximize their abilities, and each employee is accountable for his or her actions. Process approach is the third principle. The principle defines the processes used in order to promote speed and efficacy of activities (GCC Standardization Organ ization, 2014). It is important since it reduces expenses, improves effectiveness of resources, and boosts the productivity of an organization (ISO, 2014). Another principle is leadership. An organization should have defined goals and employees should aim at achieving them. The primary benefit of this principle is employee involvement. Other principles include system approach to management, continuous improvement, logical-based approach, and beneficial supplier relations. ISO standards states that all these principles, aim at cost reduction, efficiency and increased productivity in an organization (GCC Standardization Organization, 2014). The ISO development process involves various

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Lab report paraphrasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Lab report paraphrasing - Essay Example According to Experiment 1 observations, the T value of the signal when increased to 2 seconds from 0.5 seconds in 0.5 increments, the Fourier Transform accuracy also rises. Consequently, it is also evident that when the value of T is 0.5 seconds, the graph appears exceptionally different from the other 3 graphs since the period is not a big number to show the 2 tasks. These roles are actually the ones indicated on with line with the other one being made from the size of the troughs and peaks. This can clearly be seen when T=2 seconds in the graph in experiment 1. A correct value could not be displayed by the power spectrum because T value was too tiny. As illustrated, whenever the value of T rises, the power spectrum begins to exhibit the 2 co-sinusoids. When the experiment is over, it becomes clear that the magnitude of code required to solve the FFT is much shorter and simpler than the substitute DFT code. The other point to put into consideration would be the results obtained in section 3 of experiment 2.Thus, these results showed the time consumed to determine the DFT as well as the FFT, something that demonstrates that the FFT is quicker and realistic for determining the Fourier Transform. Consequently, FFT can be utilised in different methods through the entire electrical engineering comprising of researching on audio waves as well as the technique involving the audio signals, especially in recognition of pattern in instances where an engineer is searching for definite similarities or points, in addition to medical imagery like MRI scans etc. The above are just a few of numerous uses that electrical engineers are provided for by FFT at

Functional Areas of Business Management Essay Example for Free

Functional Areas of Business Management Essay Abstract A summary of the sales and marketing functional areas of an organization’s structure as an examination of the overall role and responsibility of the managers of each area. The sales manager’s primary goal is the development, implementation and evaluation of the strategic goals they desire to achieve with the sale organization to be able to meet the company’s overall goals. The marketing manager is responsible for indentifying of the market space with respect to the client, client’s needs and the ability of the product to meet the customer’s needs. Marketing managers are also critical for conducting and evaluating the results of a SWOT analysis for the company. This information is vital to the development of corporate goals of the organization. Functional Areas of Business Management There are a number of functional groups that make up an organization’s structure. Each of these business areas or internal organizations within the company provides a vital function or role to the overall success of the business. Some of these functional groups include; finance, human resources, marketing, operations, sales, customer service, research and development to list a few standard functional business groups. The two functional areas of business that will be reviewed and explored with respect to the manger’s roles and associated responsibilities are the sales and marketing functional areas or organizations of a company. There is a strong correlation to these functions within a business organization. Many organizations may separate these two functional groups and others may closely integrate these to ensure the overall goals are achieved through the cross functional interaction of these resources. â€Å"Sales management can be most easily defined as planning, implementing, and controlling personal contact programs designed to achieve the sales and fit objectives of the firm† (Gale, 2006,). As a sales manager the responsibility is instilled upon this person to be the leader of the sale team. As the leader you are responsible for the strategic planning and the overall process of setting the desired goals of the sales organization and it is a vital function of the sales manager. â€Å"Goal setting is usually based on a companys overall sales objectives or targets† (Gale, 2007). These goals may be cascaded down from senior management in a large organization or be developed through the overall profit and growth that the company is trying to achieve. As the manager of the sales organization it will be important to examine the past history of the products you are selling as an initial assessment of the previous success. Once you have reviewed the revenue results you can compare these to the state of the economy and determine if these results were typical of the results that other competitor companies achieved in a similar market under these conditions. Also the manager will have to examine the resources that are available and determine if these resources are similar to that of the resulting period being evaluated. â€Å"The ability of the sales manager to set goals is strongly related to the desires to change past performance—by lifting all sales, high-margin sales, creating sales for new products, etc† (Gale, 2007). Implementing the strategic plans are the next key functions of the sales manager. Depending upon the overall size of the company, size of the territory to cover and the market to cover the sales department may be subdivided into regions. These regions would then have regional managers responsible for each region all working to achieve the overall sales goals and objectives developed within the organization. In developing the plans for implementing, the sales manager may have to answer questions such as â€Å"how should a sales force be structured? How large a sales force is needed† (Gale, 2006) etc. The sales manager will create strategies to be able to achieve the goals. The plans developed for implementation may also include such things as if training is required and if so then what training is required. They will also be concern with determining if there are requirements for new budgets or increases to old budgets to be able to implement the strategic plans and successfully execute the strategy. Marketing is the second functional area to be examined as a manager in the organizational structure. The overall function of the marketing department and the leaders of this organization can be viewed as the research group for determining the business needs of the client and indentifying the market place. (Moorman and Rust, 1999) â€Å"Define the marketing managers as the liaison between the customer and the product†. The marketing manager plays a vital role in understanding the client, understanding the marketing place the client represents and how the product best fits the overall needs of this market place. Once the marketing manager and the through the marketing team has identified the market space and the need for the product in it, they will then focus on creating a plan that best allows the company to successfully introduce or continue to succeed in selling the product in the identified market. The marketing manager will be responsible to set goals that will create a path for the identified product into the identified market and clients. The marketing manager will utilize the SWOT analysis to create the data that supports the need of a customer to buy and use a desired product. In the SWOT process the marketing manager will also typically identify if there is a market for a new product that the company may have interest in developing. This feedback will be relayed to the research and development organization to identify the economical impact of such a new design. This cost to develop the desired product will be evaluated against the potential revenue that can generate. With this information the company will typically decide if the investment will be made to develop the new product or if simply an old product can be modified to achieve the desired results to the client. Once a new product is developed or a current product is improved the marketing organization will determine the most beneficial way to introduce these changes to the desired client base. This method can vary from printed material in magazines, internet, client handouts or simply by the sale organization when directly dealing with the existing and new clients when they interact with them. There is significant correlation between the sale department and the marketing department in many industries today. Often it will be observed that the two roles of sales and marketing can be combined to a product marketing manager with sole responsibilities to a single product or product line. When the two functions are combined the manager will be responsible for the growth and success of the product. This manager will also be required to conduct the market research and develop the most successful path to market for the product. Whether the sales and marketing managers are reviewed individually or as a combined role they both play vital roles in the overall developing, implementing and evaluating of the companies goals. References Moorman, C., and Rust, R.T.(1999). â€Å"The role of marketing†, Journal of Marketing, Vol. 63, pp. 180-197 (special Issue) Sales Management. Encyclopedia of Management. Ed. Marilyn M. Helms. 5th ed. Detroit: Gale, 2006. 778-782. â€Å"Sales Management. Encyclopedia of Small Business. 3rd ed. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale, 2007. 993-996

Monday, October 14, 2019

Ethics in the Tobacco Industry, Pakistan

Ethics in the Tobacco Industry, Pakistan Abstract Quite a lot has been said and done about Business Ethics. Several studies have been conducted emphasizing on the importance of what and How in business environment. However there has been put quite little effort in describing in a unified term of what business ethics exactly asks. Nevertheless existing giant businesses have not been scrutinized of their ethical practices. This study is an attempt to investigate what ethics does Tobacco Industry practice. The case of Pakistan is taken to complete this research so as to check in absence of strict government regulations how responsible does the industry behaves. Cost Benefit analysis procedure for clarifying this ethical dilemma shows that in the absence of strong health hazard data the industrys overall functioning can be considered ethical under utilitarian school of thought. This is because the number of beneficiaries of the industry in a developing country like Pakistan is immense and the recognized harms are comparatively less. This thesis gives the real coaster effect when these results are revealed. However this is a deductive study that leads to further research questions and discovers new undiscovered ventures to explore. Introduction Ethics is mostly known as the study of decision making that while doing this considers the widely accepted moral standards. One of the ethical questions however is the ethical dilemma, in which an issue has two conflicting bur arguably valid sides. A classical ethical dilemma example can be of the debate on allowing the tobacco companies to advertise. If allowed to do so then that means encouragement of an unhealthy practice but on the other hand if they are not allowed to advertise then it is clear discrimination between rights. Similarly Employees have the right to privacy, but employers also have right to expect safe, competent behavior from employees. Now who is to decide the winner between employees choice of taking drugs or employers liberty to let undergo their employees through drug tests? Many such ethical questions are faced by managers every day. The common theme in all ethical dilemmas is a clash between the privileges of two or more stakeholders over one another. Traditionally, the place of ethics in business practices has been to supply a decision procedure or some formal normative orientation. The place of ethical theory in the making of business decisions is problematic, and the symptoms are numerous. This can be seen, for example, in the difficulties authors of business ethics texts often have in employing ethical theories to resolve or clarify issues of ethical or social concern. In my opinion the theories for resolving the ethical dilemmas themselves create an ethical dilemma. For instance some of the employees in the organization feel that there shouldnt be fixed working hours. As long as they are productive there should not be any restrictions on them regarding the time schedules. If we analyze this case under the two schools of thought i.e. Utilitarian and the deontological we will see that if the employees are productive without imposing the limit of fixed working hours on them i.e. the consequence of the proposition is positive then according to the utilitarian theory the act is ethical. While Deontological concept will take it as unethical for it will see it as breaking the laws and conventions of the organization It can be observed that presently accepted and practiced ethical theories posit strong foundations. In my opinion however these theories are of limited use in solving ethical problems. Their reliability and ability to be generalized can be challenged because they ignore certain aspects of morality and prefer others according to different situations that arise in different contexts. This study is devoted to resolve the conflict of deciding between what is and what is not ethical in the Tobacco industry. The theory chosen for the study is utilitarian theory which has two advantages over other alternative ethical theories as how to be applied in various business endeavors. Firstly as we know that business works for the motive of benefiting self and so does utilitarian theory defines morality i.e. morality is to prefer self interest as prime. Secondly utilitarian theory is analyzed by comparing the benefits and harms of a given option and this is how it again finds similarity with profit and loss in accounting and business. Since utilitarian theory is quantified with the help of cost-benefit analysis so the data is analyzed by using cost-benefit analysis model. The strive was to be able to resolve the ethical dilemma regarding the existence and functioning of Tobacco industry without creating an ethical dilemma through the process of resolving it. Business Ethics. Business ethics is a form of applied ethics that identify and solve the ethical and moral issues in the business environment. In the increasingly conscience focused marketplaces of the 21st century, the demand for more ethical business processes and actions (known as ethicism) is increasing (wikipedia, 2007). Historically, interest in business ethics accelerated dramatically during the 1980s and 1990s, both within major corporations and within academia. For example, today most major corporations use alternate words such as social responsibility charters, corporate social responsibility etc to highlight the importance of social values and norms. Business ethics has to decide on ethical issues by looking through the lens of the employee, the enterprise or the society as a whole. Ethical dilemma It is the situation in which an issue has two conflicting but arguably valid sides. Ethical dilemmas continue to receive a great deal of attention from philosophers and management experts, who have developed a number of tools to guide managers through sometimes confusing and always difficult decisions regarding ethical dilemmas. However it is important to note that like the problem the methods for resolving this problem are also not absolute and agreed upon. Even the best models rarely lead to a single answer that is absolutely right, just or fair, but they do point the way to answers that seem more right, more just, or more fair than others Hosmer(1988 a). Principles of ethical analysis have their roots in normative philosophy, the study of proper thoughts and conduct, or how people should behave Hosmer(1988 b). Five commonly applied normative approaches are described as under. Deontology. Deontology depends on the intentions of a person making the decision or performing the act. A deontologist would disagree with the emphasis on outcome as the determinant of moral actions because consequences are generally indefinite and uncertain at the time the decision is made. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) provided much of the base for understanding this concept in all eras. Theories of Justice. Theories of justice explain ethical decisions on the basis of fairness and impartiality (Stead et al, 1990). This philosophy stresses social justice. Critics point out that this theory assumes that social cooperation provides the basis for all economic and social benefits, which may or may not be true (Stead et al, 1990). Theories of Rights. Theories of rights as from the name indicate that the most ethical decision will be based on protecting peoples right that might potentially be affected by the decision (Courtland et al, 1992). Theories of rights, unlike theories of justice, depend upon on equal opportunities for choice and exchange, not on equal allocations of wealth and income. As discussed earlier sometimes the conflicting rights become the shortcoming of the application of this theory (Courtland et al, 1992). Social Contract Theories. Social contract theories hold that when individuals become a part of a bigger community such as an organization of a local community then they agree to share the values of that group and also agrees to the means of reaching the agreed upon goals (Thomas, 1991). Critics argue that social contract theories do not give liberty to the individual thinkers who might have a contradicting opinion from their fellow community members (Thomas, 1991). Utilitarian theories. Utilitarian theories support the idea that ethical behavior results in the greatest good for the greatest number. So, according to utilitarian theories, the most ethical decision creates the greatest degree of benefits for the greater number of people while having a potential of inducing comparatively lesser amount of damages or harm (Hitt Columbus, Ohio 1990). Consequentialist moral theories are teleological which means that they aim at some goal state and evaluate the morality of actions in terms of progress toward that state. Tobacco Industry and Business Ethics. This section will outline some historical facts related to tobacco industry and will also highlight how this industry grew from the scratch. This section also includes the description of the functioning of the tobacco industry in terms of business ethics since from the beginning of its origin right up till now. Finally the chapter concludes by briefly stating how it became a part of Muslim and Asian culture. Tobacco Plant. Tobacco is a natively fostered plant of America. Tobacco plant has very small seed such as one ounce approximately contains over three hundred thousand seeds. This plant started being cultivated according to an estimate thousand years B.C. As early as one B.C., Tobacco started being used in various religious activities. Not only religious but also was thought to be of quite a medicinal importance by American Indians. It was basically thought of as pain killer and was also used by quite a number of people as a cure all solution. Discovery of the New World. Christopher Columbus was gifted dried tobacco leaves by the American Indians. As it was brought to Europe it started to be grown all over the Europe. Europeans grew it against a misinformation that tobacco has a healing tendency and that it can cure all the diseases no matter how big or small. According to a book written by a Spanish doctor in 1571 tobacco could cure at least thirty six health problems. Thomas Harriet a Virginian in 1588 invented smoking as he wanted to discover a way that could help take a daily dose of tobacco. Later he died of nose cancer because it was through the nose then that they use to breathe tobacco. In 1610 Sir Francis Bacon realized that trying to quit smoking was really difficult. In 1632 for the first time for moral reasons smoking got prohibited in Massachusetts. Tobacco: A Growth Industry For the first time when tobacco industry got significant industry value was in 1776. In the American Revolutionary War It acted as a security against the loans America borrowed from France. However scientists continued to understand the chemicals in tobacco, as well as the dangers they had. In 1836 tobacco was recognized as a lethal commodity.In 1847, the famous Phillip Morris was established, selling hand rolled Turkish cigarettes. Until 1900 chewing tobacco was the most famous tobacco product however cigarette started becoming famous in 1990s. As the cigarette was gaining popularity so was anti smoking campaigns with the notion of some states in America asking for total ban on tobacco. The demand for cigarettes however kept growing. The Recent trends. In 1980s was the time when legal actions gained their pace against the working of tobacco industry as in 1982 from the Surgeon General reports it was evident that tobacco is injurious to health and by no means its use or sale can be termed legal. It was also known that passive smoking may cause lung cancer. It was in 1990 that smoking got banned in all the flights except for the flight to Alaska and Hawaii. In 1990, Ben Jerrys initiated anti smoking campaigns and terminated business with tobacco industry allies. This lead Tobacco industry to change their strategy in the 80s and 90s and they started marketing their products heavily in developing countries of Asia. The strategy was to acquire market share from the markets with more flexible rules for tobacco business. It has been revealed that tobacco industry has realized all long and is aware of the harmfulness of their products. Knowing this did not stop them from doing and expanding business and they have been justifying this by stating that people make informed choice. This draws our attention on the fact that those who are being blamed need to take measures against this blame. The arrival of Tobacco in the Muslim World. Quite similar to the situation in Europe Tobacco use started by physicians and started to gain popularity through medical manuals and journals in the Middle East by the last years of the sixteenth century (Grehan, 2006). Those responsible for carrying the same message were mostly non Muslims that had contacts with Europe and could easily understand, interpret and translate the work of Europeans for the locals (Gokhale, 2009). There were not any segments of Middle Eastern society that did not contribute to this constantly increasing demand. While investigating tobaccos prevalence in his era, the Damascene jurist Abd al Ghani al Nabulsi confidently declared in 1682, Tobacco has now become extremely famous in all the countries of Islam People of all kinds have used it and devoted themselves to it I have even seen young children of about five years applying themselves to it (Ghauri, Atcha, Shiekh, 2006, p.34). Among these early users were quite a lot of women (Grehan, 2006). As Grehan (2006, p.413) states from the time of its first entry, tobacco would have to rebuff strenuous challenges from political and religious authorities, who in the most critical tests of its appeal would join forces in sporadic anti-smoking campaigns. One widely accepted methodology was to win a debate for proving tobacco as an intoxicant and that it has the same affect on the body as wine therefore strictly forbidden by Islamic law as resourced in Quran and Hadith (Grehan, 2006). Tobacco manufacture in subcontinent started in Akbars reign. But by 1617 its use had become so widespread that Akbars successor Jahangir (1605-1627) issued a verdict forbidding the smoking of tobacco Gokhale (2009). Tobacco Industry of Pakistan. Smoking can be proved as dangerous for peoples health but for the economies such as of Pakistan and other such nations, it is the good news that they will always want to hear. This section intends to highlight the important role tobacco plays in the economics of the country. Tobacco industry contributed 4.4 per cent or over Rs 27.5 billion to the total GDP of Pakistan including Rs 15.17 billion, including Rs 14.54 billion in excise duty and sales tax, in 1997. According to data provided through the internet resources it can be seen that tobacco industry pays six times more taxes than is earned from the cotton industry. This makes the tobacco industry to pay over five percent of all the taxes that are collected by the country. Furthermore over a million people are working as tobacco industry employees. Cultivation area has also increased in the last decade that means increase in business. The figure indicates the increase of thirty percent which is even less than the percentage increase of production i.e. hundred and forty five percent. The only crop of Pakistan whose yield exceeds the world average is also tobacco i.e. its per hectare yield equals that of the US and several other developed countries that makes approximately nineteen hundred kilograms. Tobacco Industry and Ethics. Tobacco Companies cannot be treated like rest of the companies as all their practices and products are not like other companies. Tobacco industry produces the products that are not only legal but at the same time they are also deadly for their consumers. How wondrous is that a product can kill more than half of its regular users? As such, in terms of CSR activities, they cannot simply figure among the ranks of other consumer goods companies. Despite the tobacco industrys thinly-veiled attempts to gain corporate respectability and companies claims to have changed their practices, they keep on adopting unethical strategies to promote their products, expand markets and increase profits (WHO, 2003). Objective of study The research will focus on the Tobacco Industry of Pakistan as the case of Ethical dilemma situation.The research will investigate what ethics do the tobacco industry practice. And can they be termed ethical under Utilitarian school of thought. Utilitarian theory is the world renowned theory to solve various ethical dilemmas in terms of the consequences an activity has. In short the study will be conducted to justify the role of Tobacco Industry in terms of business ethics. Literature review This chapter serves as a backbone of the whole study. This study is deductive in approach so a complete review of the existing literature and schools of thoughts was mandatory to recommend future issues for research. The section starts with defining the core concepts and terminologies followed by how and where these concepts have been used. This section also states why one theory and method has been selected over the others. As the chapter grows there are arguments far and against of the practices of tobacco industry and how they varied in two time zones i.e. from 1980-1999 and from 2000-2007. Business ethics Dilemma: Business ethics adapts its functioning from the methods prescribed by normative believes to resolve the moral issues in businesses. Business ethics studies both profit and non-profit corporations. Existing practices are judged on the basis of what ought to be done in the given situation. One specific feature is vital to the business ethics. Business ethics has to account for strategic concerns. In the business sphere, ethical reflection has to allow for the interest at stake, in order to avoid being so high principled that one disregards all consequences for the corporations future (Peter Pratley 1997). The common opinion seems to be that the term business ethics is not found anywhere in its true spirit. This is thought because ethics and business in soul are different. Where ethics preaches being nice and charitable there business finds its way to satisfy self interests and nasty objectives. Organizations spend a lot of time and effort in implementing new initiatives for profit making and cost cutting however not even half of this commitment of resources can be seen for the implementation of ethical programs. The impression is given that adherence to the ethical code of practice is adequate rather than embracing its true spirit. Ethical considerations have no more value than the choice of plants in the office. The view of Friedman (1976) that the only social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. Other literature has suggested that specialized ethical theories should be applied to business to better understand behavior in the context of the business organization. RobertAllanCooke (2004, p.2-5) evaluates in his study some fundamental fallacies about business ethics and finds that the good ethics is good business should still be termed as true. On the one hand we have the common good for society arising spontaneously from a largely unregulated market of companies pursuing their self interest and on the other hand looking for the benefit for the company that it is standing for. In both cases the benefits are supposedly efficiency and fair distribution. Taken from the level of the corporation this appears to be a real time situation offering a minimum of restriction on market behavior and maximum control over internal affairs (Andrew Bartlett David Preston 2000). We encounter various situations in our life where we have to resolve any dilemma. And Businesses are no exceptions. Businesses and managers have to maximize their profits and optimize their costs in terms of resources and while planning for this all they come across many situations where they have to choose among two choices i.e. termed by economists as opportunity cost. The choices sometimes create an ethical dilemma and the decision in such cases become more complex. With regard to consumers, the example of tobacco is particularly typical to understand. When seen in the through the lens of time it can be observed that in the short term, a need is satisfied on the expense of the long term loss of health of the customers. This has always been the strategy of the tobacco industry to not let their business slow down. While the advertising campaign in the United States was getting pace to encourage adolescents not to smoke, the tobacco companies were making new customers of the same age or teenagers in Asia an Africa by distributing free cigarettes (Levin 1991). Ethical dilemma Theory: Such dilemmas are dealt with ethical theories. One considered under the study is Utilitarian Theory. Utilitarianism is a Western adopted theory that has a history starting from the late 1700s (Harris, 2002; Shanahan Wang, 2003). Harris stated that utilitarianism is one of the most powerful and persuasive traditions of moral thought in our culture (p. 119). Rachels (1998) described utilitarian theory as based in social transformation in human nature and behaviour, and it is that alternative to natural law that encompasses it as well. Along with the applause the utilitarian theory is also criticized by many. As Peter Pratley (1997, p.140) states that it may happen that an option seems to be most profitable for the large majority, while at the same time we feel that it is morally totally improper from the point of view of distributive justice. Whereas most receive a relatively minor benefit, a small number have to cope with outrageous costs. Applying Utilitarian guidelines continually is impossible, even for private corporations with noble humanitarian intentions. Utility asks too much from individual private businesses. If each time decisions were made corporations adopted only the utilitarian most perfect solution, many would have to close down especially if they had to pay for the environmental damage they do. Utilitarian thinking favors bringing about the greatest total amount of good that we can (Harris et al 2000 p. 77). According to a utilitarian, we have, as our most basic obligation, to: produce the greatest good for the greatest number, or Maximize aggregate happiness (these are assumed to be equivalent). Problems for the general utilitarian approach are (Harris et al 2000 pp. 77-78): Utilitarianism is an information-intensive view, since there can be an enormous number of relevant factual issues. Another problem is determining the audience for a decision, which the textbook defines as the population over which the good is to be [ought to be] maximized (p. 78); that is, audience refers to all those whose happiness would be affected by the agents decision. This is problematic because decisions can sometimes affect an enormous number of people (not to mention non-human animals), into the indefinite future. Finally, the utilitarian approach is claimed to neglect considerations of justice, because it ignores the distribution of benefits and harms. Cost Benefit Analysis: How do we decide whether a given action is morally right or wrong? The answer given by cost-benefit analysis that maximizing benefits should be the priority is very similar to the answer sorted out by utilitarian. Economists who do cost-benefit analysis claim that certain non market things are hard to quantify in terms of money value but yet it is exciting and challenging (Steven 1981). Benthams ideal of a precise quantitative method for decision making is most fully realized in cost-benefit analysis. This method differs from Benthams hedonistic calculus primarily in the use of monetary units to express the benefits and drawbacks of various alternatives (Mishan, 1976). Primarily hedons and dolors i.e. positive and negative values were used to calculate utilitarian results. Any project the dollar amount of the benefits exceeds the dollar amount of the damages is worth pursuing, according to cost benefit analysis, and from among different projects. A distinction is mostly made, moreover, between cost-benefit analysis and cost-effective analysis. Cost-effective analysis assumes that there is already some agreed upon end and what is the most efficient means for achieving this end. Cost-benefit analysis, by contrast, is used to select both the means to ends and ends themselves (Baram, 1980). Experts in cost-benefit analysis attempt to overcome the problem of assigning dollar figure to non economic goods with a technique known as shadow pricing. This consists of determining the value reflected by peoples market and non market behavior. According to Macintyre (1977) cost benefit analysis is offered as a method that is itself value-free and applies only the values that people express in the market. Critics charge, however, that the method is heavily value-laden since the values of the analyst cannot be excluded entirely. Cost benefit analysis requires the analyst to determine what constitutes a cost and a benefit. However the defenders of cost-benefit analysis reply that any theory is value laden, and an advantage of cost-benefit analysis that it makes its value commitments explicit, so that they can be flagged and properly taken into account. This view has been supported in the work of Boatright (1997, p.46). A virtue of cost/benefit is that it seeks to lift a murky and endless policy debate out of the realm of ideology or moral preference into a more objective realm of testable factual propositions. The object is to gather the best available evidence of social impacts or costs and then, within a social accounting or utilitarian framework, to compare social prescriptions in terms of their prospects for reducing those costs. Yet, as Alasdair Macintyre has cogently argued, utilitarianism has unavoidable limitations that the cost/benefit specifists seldom take into account. Pragmatists who present cost/benefit analysis as a value-neutral tool, Macintyre argues, often lose sight of the fact that utilitarian tests always presuppose the application of some prior non utilitarian principle which sets limits upon the range of alternatives to be considered.(Macintyre 1977)These inputs into the putatively objective cost/benefit analysis are inherently value-laden. When they are not made explicit and are not subjected to the same rigorous tests applied within the circumscribed framework of the cost/benefit analysis itself, they can compromise the objectivity of the entire enterprise. Criticism has been immense but the allegation to assign monetary value to the non market entities is not only the challenge faced by utilitarian theory but also all other political and ethical theories (Shepley, 2006). Cost-benefit analysis can be thought of as an attempt to operationalize utilitarianism using economic analysis. The textbooks template for applying cost-benefit analysis (Harris et al 2000 p. 79): Assess the available options. Assess the costs and benefits (each measured in monetary terms) of each option for the entire audience of the action, or all of those affected by the decision. Make the decision that is likely to result in the greatest benefit relative to cost; that is, the course of action must not be one in which the cost of implementing the option could produce greater benefit if spent on another option. Problems for cost-benefit analysis are (Harris et al, 2000, pp. 80-81): Considerations of justice in the distribution of benefits and costs are ignored. Can all of the relevant costs and benefits really be adequately represented in monetary terms? What about public (non-market) goods? Can a monetary value be placed on human lives? It has been used in the past to justify morally unacceptable practices like slavery and child labor. McMaken (2001) in his article shows how trustworthy the method is to come up with such sensitive decisions such as government regulations etc. In his article he states, Its the return of cost-benefit analysis. Coast (2004) argues that money represents a passage to consumption so loss of money can represent the worth of things lost and vice versa. The advantage of using money in analysis is that money is very familiar to people and its worth is highly recognized. CBA addresses allocative efficiency which is achieved by minimizing the waste of resources and then to make one person better off without making another loose (Rushby John Cairns, 2006). Tobacco Industry Ethics: 1980-1999: The study is conducted for observing the tobacco Industrys ethical practices for that reason some literature has been explored regarding the desired objective. Tobacco is a major health hazard and an important economic commodity. It is very rational to say that if it would have been useful to use tobacco products then anti tobacco campaigns must not have been accepted so widely. On the other hand, the market for tobacco is so big that these anti tobacco regulations are hard to implement. The management of every joint-stock company is commissioned by the shareholders to achieve the maximum profit on the capital invested and to increase its market share. Consequently, a decrease in tobacco consumption or the number of consumers is not in the interests of the tobacco companies. Their goal is to increase production and consumption. The tobacco companies do not, as a rule, make statements implying that the use of their products can lead to illness or death. They may say that tobacco has been considered to be associated with increased risks. As ethical considerations now are accepted by the tobacco industry itself, an analysis of their practice of autonomy, doing good, justice and doing no harm could be done and analysed (Fagerberg et al, 1990). Now when people make informed choice that is claimed by tobacco industry to be autonomy. When people enjoy the tobacco products and consider them as their need, tobacco industry terms it as doing well to people. Allowing people to make the choices under no authority is doing justice and there is no final medical report for health consequences so that means doing no harm in the eyes of tobacco industry (Tobaks, 1990) All these arguments can be refuted asserting non-profitable motives in the service of humanity, and with the guiding principle of ethical responsibility formulated by the philosopher Hans Jonas in (1984). Thus the tobacco companies can be accused of misusing the word autonomy as they overlook the fact of chemical dependency on tobacco. Also, the long-term effects are so immense that it is difficult to defend short-term motives of both consumers and the industry. The arguments for justice and doing no harm are counteracted by the knowledge that use of tobacco leads to lesions, sometimes direct mortal lesions, and by the circumstances that general knowledge based on facts can hardly be achieved to a sufficient degree in a whole population. To sum up, it is insane for the tobacco companies to find moral defenses for their misconduct. Despite overwhelming scientific evidence against cigarettes, the tobacco industry continues to debate over the controversial results of different scientists for proving or disproving smoking as an important cause of deaths by various diseases (R Ethics in the Tobacco Industry, Pakistan Ethics in the Tobacco Industry, Pakistan Abstract Quite a lot has been said and done about Business Ethics. Several studies have been conducted emphasizing on the importance of what and How in business environment. However there has been put quite little effort in describing in a unified term of what business ethics exactly asks. Nevertheless existing giant businesses have not been scrutinized of their ethical practices. This study is an attempt to investigate what ethics does Tobacco Industry practice. The case of Pakistan is taken to complete this research so as to check in absence of strict government regulations how responsible does the industry behaves. Cost Benefit analysis procedure for clarifying this ethical dilemma shows that in the absence of strong health hazard data the industrys overall functioning can be considered ethical under utilitarian school of thought. This is because the number of beneficiaries of the industry in a developing country like Pakistan is immense and the recognized harms are comparatively less. This thesis gives the real coaster effect when these results are revealed. However this is a deductive study that leads to further research questions and discovers new undiscovered ventures to explore. Introduction Ethics is mostly known as the study of decision making that while doing this considers the widely accepted moral standards. One of the ethical questions however is the ethical dilemma, in which an issue has two conflicting bur arguably valid sides. A classical ethical dilemma example can be of the debate on allowing the tobacco companies to advertise. If allowed to do so then that means encouragement of an unhealthy practice but on the other hand if they are not allowed to advertise then it is clear discrimination between rights. Similarly Employees have the right to privacy, but employers also have right to expect safe, competent behavior from employees. Now who is to decide the winner between employees choice of taking drugs or employers liberty to let undergo their employees through drug tests? Many such ethical questions are faced by managers every day. The common theme in all ethical dilemmas is a clash between the privileges of two or more stakeholders over one another. Traditionally, the place of ethics in business practices has been to supply a decision procedure or some formal normative orientation. The place of ethical theory in the making of business decisions is problematic, and the symptoms are numerous. This can be seen, for example, in the difficulties authors of business ethics texts often have in employing ethical theories to resolve or clarify issues of ethical or social concern. In my opinion the theories for resolving the ethical dilemmas themselves create an ethical dilemma. For instance some of the employees in the organization feel that there shouldnt be fixed working hours. As long as they are productive there should not be any restrictions on them regarding the time schedules. If we analyze this case under the two schools of thought i.e. Utilitarian and the deontological we will see that if the employees are productive without imposing the limit of fixed working hours on them i.e. the consequence of the proposition is positive then according to the utilitarian theory the act is ethical. While Deontological concept will take it as unethical for it will see it as breaking the laws and conventions of the organization It can be observed that presently accepted and practiced ethical theories posit strong foundations. In my opinion however these theories are of limited use in solving ethical problems. Their reliability and ability to be generalized can be challenged because they ignore certain aspects of morality and prefer others according to different situations that arise in different contexts. This study is devoted to resolve the conflict of deciding between what is and what is not ethical in the Tobacco industry. The theory chosen for the study is utilitarian theory which has two advantages over other alternative ethical theories as how to be applied in various business endeavors. Firstly as we know that business works for the motive of benefiting self and so does utilitarian theory defines morality i.e. morality is to prefer self interest as prime. Secondly utilitarian theory is analyzed by comparing the benefits and harms of a given option and this is how it again finds similarity with profit and loss in accounting and business. Since utilitarian theory is quantified with the help of cost-benefit analysis so the data is analyzed by using cost-benefit analysis model. The strive was to be able to resolve the ethical dilemma regarding the existence and functioning of Tobacco industry without creating an ethical dilemma through the process of resolving it. Business Ethics. Business ethics is a form of applied ethics that identify and solve the ethical and moral issues in the business environment. In the increasingly conscience focused marketplaces of the 21st century, the demand for more ethical business processes and actions (known as ethicism) is increasing (wikipedia, 2007). Historically, interest in business ethics accelerated dramatically during the 1980s and 1990s, both within major corporations and within academia. For example, today most major corporations use alternate words such as social responsibility charters, corporate social responsibility etc to highlight the importance of social values and norms. Business ethics has to decide on ethical issues by looking through the lens of the employee, the enterprise or the society as a whole. Ethical dilemma It is the situation in which an issue has two conflicting but arguably valid sides. Ethical dilemmas continue to receive a great deal of attention from philosophers and management experts, who have developed a number of tools to guide managers through sometimes confusing and always difficult decisions regarding ethical dilemmas. However it is important to note that like the problem the methods for resolving this problem are also not absolute and agreed upon. Even the best models rarely lead to a single answer that is absolutely right, just or fair, but they do point the way to answers that seem more right, more just, or more fair than others Hosmer(1988 a). Principles of ethical analysis have their roots in normative philosophy, the study of proper thoughts and conduct, or how people should behave Hosmer(1988 b). Five commonly applied normative approaches are described as under. Deontology. Deontology depends on the intentions of a person making the decision or performing the act. A deontologist would disagree with the emphasis on outcome as the determinant of moral actions because consequences are generally indefinite and uncertain at the time the decision is made. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) provided much of the base for understanding this concept in all eras. Theories of Justice. Theories of justice explain ethical decisions on the basis of fairness and impartiality (Stead et al, 1990). This philosophy stresses social justice. Critics point out that this theory assumes that social cooperation provides the basis for all economic and social benefits, which may or may not be true (Stead et al, 1990). Theories of Rights. Theories of rights as from the name indicate that the most ethical decision will be based on protecting peoples right that might potentially be affected by the decision (Courtland et al, 1992). Theories of rights, unlike theories of justice, depend upon on equal opportunities for choice and exchange, not on equal allocations of wealth and income. As discussed earlier sometimes the conflicting rights become the shortcoming of the application of this theory (Courtland et al, 1992). Social Contract Theories. Social contract theories hold that when individuals become a part of a bigger community such as an organization of a local community then they agree to share the values of that group and also agrees to the means of reaching the agreed upon goals (Thomas, 1991). Critics argue that social contract theories do not give liberty to the individual thinkers who might have a contradicting opinion from their fellow community members (Thomas, 1991). Utilitarian theories. Utilitarian theories support the idea that ethical behavior results in the greatest good for the greatest number. So, according to utilitarian theories, the most ethical decision creates the greatest degree of benefits for the greater number of people while having a potential of inducing comparatively lesser amount of damages or harm (Hitt Columbus, Ohio 1990). Consequentialist moral theories are teleological which means that they aim at some goal state and evaluate the morality of actions in terms of progress toward that state. Tobacco Industry and Business Ethics. This section will outline some historical facts related to tobacco industry and will also highlight how this industry grew from the scratch. This section also includes the description of the functioning of the tobacco industry in terms of business ethics since from the beginning of its origin right up till now. Finally the chapter concludes by briefly stating how it became a part of Muslim and Asian culture. Tobacco Plant. Tobacco is a natively fostered plant of America. Tobacco plant has very small seed such as one ounce approximately contains over three hundred thousand seeds. This plant started being cultivated according to an estimate thousand years B.C. As early as one B.C., Tobacco started being used in various religious activities. Not only religious but also was thought to be of quite a medicinal importance by American Indians. It was basically thought of as pain killer and was also used by quite a number of people as a cure all solution. Discovery of the New World. Christopher Columbus was gifted dried tobacco leaves by the American Indians. As it was brought to Europe it started to be grown all over the Europe. Europeans grew it against a misinformation that tobacco has a healing tendency and that it can cure all the diseases no matter how big or small. According to a book written by a Spanish doctor in 1571 tobacco could cure at least thirty six health problems. Thomas Harriet a Virginian in 1588 invented smoking as he wanted to discover a way that could help take a daily dose of tobacco. Later he died of nose cancer because it was through the nose then that they use to breathe tobacco. In 1610 Sir Francis Bacon realized that trying to quit smoking was really difficult. In 1632 for the first time for moral reasons smoking got prohibited in Massachusetts. Tobacco: A Growth Industry For the first time when tobacco industry got significant industry value was in 1776. In the American Revolutionary War It acted as a security against the loans America borrowed from France. However scientists continued to understand the chemicals in tobacco, as well as the dangers they had. In 1836 tobacco was recognized as a lethal commodity.In 1847, the famous Phillip Morris was established, selling hand rolled Turkish cigarettes. Until 1900 chewing tobacco was the most famous tobacco product however cigarette started becoming famous in 1990s. As the cigarette was gaining popularity so was anti smoking campaigns with the notion of some states in America asking for total ban on tobacco. The demand for cigarettes however kept growing. The Recent trends. In 1980s was the time when legal actions gained their pace against the working of tobacco industry as in 1982 from the Surgeon General reports it was evident that tobacco is injurious to health and by no means its use or sale can be termed legal. It was also known that passive smoking may cause lung cancer. It was in 1990 that smoking got banned in all the flights except for the flight to Alaska and Hawaii. In 1990, Ben Jerrys initiated anti smoking campaigns and terminated business with tobacco industry allies. This lead Tobacco industry to change their strategy in the 80s and 90s and they started marketing their products heavily in developing countries of Asia. The strategy was to acquire market share from the markets with more flexible rules for tobacco business. It has been revealed that tobacco industry has realized all long and is aware of the harmfulness of their products. Knowing this did not stop them from doing and expanding business and they have been justifying this by stating that people make informed choice. This draws our attention on the fact that those who are being blamed need to take measures against this blame. The arrival of Tobacco in the Muslim World. Quite similar to the situation in Europe Tobacco use started by physicians and started to gain popularity through medical manuals and journals in the Middle East by the last years of the sixteenth century (Grehan, 2006). Those responsible for carrying the same message were mostly non Muslims that had contacts with Europe and could easily understand, interpret and translate the work of Europeans for the locals (Gokhale, 2009). There were not any segments of Middle Eastern society that did not contribute to this constantly increasing demand. While investigating tobaccos prevalence in his era, the Damascene jurist Abd al Ghani al Nabulsi confidently declared in 1682, Tobacco has now become extremely famous in all the countries of Islam People of all kinds have used it and devoted themselves to it I have even seen young children of about five years applying themselves to it (Ghauri, Atcha, Shiekh, 2006, p.34). Among these early users were quite a lot of women (Grehan, 2006). As Grehan (2006, p.413) states from the time of its first entry, tobacco would have to rebuff strenuous challenges from political and religious authorities, who in the most critical tests of its appeal would join forces in sporadic anti-smoking campaigns. One widely accepted methodology was to win a debate for proving tobacco as an intoxicant and that it has the same affect on the body as wine therefore strictly forbidden by Islamic law as resourced in Quran and Hadith (Grehan, 2006). Tobacco manufacture in subcontinent started in Akbars reign. But by 1617 its use had become so widespread that Akbars successor Jahangir (1605-1627) issued a verdict forbidding the smoking of tobacco Gokhale (2009). Tobacco Industry of Pakistan. Smoking can be proved as dangerous for peoples health but for the economies such as of Pakistan and other such nations, it is the good news that they will always want to hear. This section intends to highlight the important role tobacco plays in the economics of the country. Tobacco industry contributed 4.4 per cent or over Rs 27.5 billion to the total GDP of Pakistan including Rs 15.17 billion, including Rs 14.54 billion in excise duty and sales tax, in 1997. According to data provided through the internet resources it can be seen that tobacco industry pays six times more taxes than is earned from the cotton industry. This makes the tobacco industry to pay over five percent of all the taxes that are collected by the country. Furthermore over a million people are working as tobacco industry employees. Cultivation area has also increased in the last decade that means increase in business. The figure indicates the increase of thirty percent which is even less than the percentage increase of production i.e. hundred and forty five percent. The only crop of Pakistan whose yield exceeds the world average is also tobacco i.e. its per hectare yield equals that of the US and several other developed countries that makes approximately nineteen hundred kilograms. Tobacco Industry and Ethics. Tobacco Companies cannot be treated like rest of the companies as all their practices and products are not like other companies. Tobacco industry produces the products that are not only legal but at the same time they are also deadly for their consumers. How wondrous is that a product can kill more than half of its regular users? As such, in terms of CSR activities, they cannot simply figure among the ranks of other consumer goods companies. Despite the tobacco industrys thinly-veiled attempts to gain corporate respectability and companies claims to have changed their practices, they keep on adopting unethical strategies to promote their products, expand markets and increase profits (WHO, 2003). Objective of study The research will focus on the Tobacco Industry of Pakistan as the case of Ethical dilemma situation.The research will investigate what ethics do the tobacco industry practice. And can they be termed ethical under Utilitarian school of thought. Utilitarian theory is the world renowned theory to solve various ethical dilemmas in terms of the consequences an activity has. In short the study will be conducted to justify the role of Tobacco Industry in terms of business ethics. Literature review This chapter serves as a backbone of the whole study. This study is deductive in approach so a complete review of the existing literature and schools of thoughts was mandatory to recommend future issues for research. The section starts with defining the core concepts and terminologies followed by how and where these concepts have been used. This section also states why one theory and method has been selected over the others. As the chapter grows there are arguments far and against of the practices of tobacco industry and how they varied in two time zones i.e. from 1980-1999 and from 2000-2007. Business ethics Dilemma: Business ethics adapts its functioning from the methods prescribed by normative believes to resolve the moral issues in businesses. Business ethics studies both profit and non-profit corporations. Existing practices are judged on the basis of what ought to be done in the given situation. One specific feature is vital to the business ethics. Business ethics has to account for strategic concerns. In the business sphere, ethical reflection has to allow for the interest at stake, in order to avoid being so high principled that one disregards all consequences for the corporations future (Peter Pratley 1997). The common opinion seems to be that the term business ethics is not found anywhere in its true spirit. This is thought because ethics and business in soul are different. Where ethics preaches being nice and charitable there business finds its way to satisfy self interests and nasty objectives. Organizations spend a lot of time and effort in implementing new initiatives for profit making and cost cutting however not even half of this commitment of resources can be seen for the implementation of ethical programs. The impression is given that adherence to the ethical code of practice is adequate rather than embracing its true spirit. Ethical considerations have no more value than the choice of plants in the office. The view of Friedman (1976) that the only social responsibility of business is to increase its profits. Other literature has suggested that specialized ethical theories should be applied to business to better understand behavior in the context of the business organization. RobertAllanCooke (2004, p.2-5) evaluates in his study some fundamental fallacies about business ethics and finds that the good ethics is good business should still be termed as true. On the one hand we have the common good for society arising spontaneously from a largely unregulated market of companies pursuing their self interest and on the other hand looking for the benefit for the company that it is standing for. In both cases the benefits are supposedly efficiency and fair distribution. Taken from the level of the corporation this appears to be a real time situation offering a minimum of restriction on market behavior and maximum control over internal affairs (Andrew Bartlett David Preston 2000). We encounter various situations in our life where we have to resolve any dilemma. And Businesses are no exceptions. Businesses and managers have to maximize their profits and optimize their costs in terms of resources and while planning for this all they come across many situations where they have to choose among two choices i.e. termed by economists as opportunity cost. The choices sometimes create an ethical dilemma and the decision in such cases become more complex. With regard to consumers, the example of tobacco is particularly typical to understand. When seen in the through the lens of time it can be observed that in the short term, a need is satisfied on the expense of the long term loss of health of the customers. This has always been the strategy of the tobacco industry to not let their business slow down. While the advertising campaign in the United States was getting pace to encourage adolescents not to smoke, the tobacco companies were making new customers of the same age or teenagers in Asia an Africa by distributing free cigarettes (Levin 1991). Ethical dilemma Theory: Such dilemmas are dealt with ethical theories. One considered under the study is Utilitarian Theory. Utilitarianism is a Western adopted theory that has a history starting from the late 1700s (Harris, 2002; Shanahan Wang, 2003). Harris stated that utilitarianism is one of the most powerful and persuasive traditions of moral thought in our culture (p. 119). Rachels (1998) described utilitarian theory as based in social transformation in human nature and behaviour, and it is that alternative to natural law that encompasses it as well. Along with the applause the utilitarian theory is also criticized by many. As Peter Pratley (1997, p.140) states that it may happen that an option seems to be most profitable for the large majority, while at the same time we feel that it is morally totally improper from the point of view of distributive justice. Whereas most receive a relatively minor benefit, a small number have to cope with outrageous costs. Applying Utilitarian guidelines continually is impossible, even for private corporations with noble humanitarian intentions. Utility asks too much from individual private businesses. If each time decisions were made corporations adopted only the utilitarian most perfect solution, many would have to close down especially if they had to pay for the environmental damage they do. Utilitarian thinking favors bringing about the greatest total amount of good that we can (Harris et al 2000 p. 77). According to a utilitarian, we have, as our most basic obligation, to: produce the greatest good for the greatest number, or Maximize aggregate happiness (these are assumed to be equivalent). Problems for the general utilitarian approach are (Harris et al 2000 pp. 77-78): Utilitarianism is an information-intensive view, since there can be an enormous number of relevant factual issues. Another problem is determining the audience for a decision, which the textbook defines as the population over which the good is to be [ought to be] maximized (p. 78); that is, audience refers to all those whose happiness would be affected by the agents decision. This is problematic because decisions can sometimes affect an enormous number of people (not to mention non-human animals), into the indefinite future. Finally, the utilitarian approach is claimed to neglect considerations of justice, because it ignores the distribution of benefits and harms. Cost Benefit Analysis: How do we decide whether a given action is morally right or wrong? The answer given by cost-benefit analysis that maximizing benefits should be the priority is very similar to the answer sorted out by utilitarian. Economists who do cost-benefit analysis claim that certain non market things are hard to quantify in terms of money value but yet it is exciting and challenging (Steven 1981). Benthams ideal of a precise quantitative method for decision making is most fully realized in cost-benefit analysis. This method differs from Benthams hedonistic calculus primarily in the use of monetary units to express the benefits and drawbacks of various alternatives (Mishan, 1976). Primarily hedons and dolors i.e. positive and negative values were used to calculate utilitarian results. Any project the dollar amount of the benefits exceeds the dollar amount of the damages is worth pursuing, according to cost benefit analysis, and from among different projects. A distinction is mostly made, moreover, between cost-benefit analysis and cost-effective analysis. Cost-effective analysis assumes that there is already some agreed upon end and what is the most efficient means for achieving this end. Cost-benefit analysis, by contrast, is used to select both the means to ends and ends themselves (Baram, 1980). Experts in cost-benefit analysis attempt to overcome the problem of assigning dollar figure to non economic goods with a technique known as shadow pricing. This consists of determining the value reflected by peoples market and non market behavior. According to Macintyre (1977) cost benefit analysis is offered as a method that is itself value-free and applies only the values that people express in the market. Critics charge, however, that the method is heavily value-laden since the values of the analyst cannot be excluded entirely. Cost benefit analysis requires the analyst to determine what constitutes a cost and a benefit. However the defenders of cost-benefit analysis reply that any theory is value laden, and an advantage of cost-benefit analysis that it makes its value commitments explicit, so that they can be flagged and properly taken into account. This view has been supported in the work of Boatright (1997, p.46). A virtue of cost/benefit is that it seeks to lift a murky and endless policy debate out of the realm of ideology or moral preference into a more objective realm of testable factual propositions. The object is to gather the best available evidence of social impacts or costs and then, within a social accounting or utilitarian framework, to compare social prescriptions in terms of their prospects for reducing those costs. Yet, as Alasdair Macintyre has cogently argued, utilitarianism has unavoidable limitations that the cost/benefit specifists seldom take into account. Pragmatists who present cost/benefit analysis as a value-neutral tool, Macintyre argues, often lose sight of the fact that utilitarian tests always presuppose the application of some prior non utilitarian principle which sets limits upon the range of alternatives to be considered.(Macintyre 1977)These inputs into the putatively objective cost/benefit analysis are inherently value-laden. When they are not made explicit and are not subjected to the same rigorous tests applied within the circumscribed framework of the cost/benefit analysis itself, they can compromise the objectivity of the entire enterprise. Criticism has been immense but the allegation to assign monetary value to the non market entities is not only the challenge faced by utilitarian theory but also all other political and ethical theories (Shepley, 2006). Cost-benefit analysis can be thought of as an attempt to operationalize utilitarianism using economic analysis. The textbooks template for applying cost-benefit analysis (Harris et al 2000 p. 79): Assess the available options. Assess the costs and benefits (each measured in monetary terms) of each option for the entire audience of the action, or all of those affected by the decision. Make the decision that is likely to result in the greatest benefit relative to cost; that is, the course of action must not be one in which the cost of implementing the option could produce greater benefit if spent on another option. Problems for cost-benefit analysis are (Harris et al, 2000, pp. 80-81): Considerations of justice in the distribution of benefits and costs are ignored. Can all of the relevant costs and benefits really be adequately represented in monetary terms? What about public (non-market) goods? Can a monetary value be placed on human lives? It has been used in the past to justify morally unacceptable practices like slavery and child labor. McMaken (2001) in his article shows how trustworthy the method is to come up with such sensitive decisions such as government regulations etc. In his article he states, Its the return of cost-benefit analysis. Coast (2004) argues that money represents a passage to consumption so loss of money can represent the worth of things lost and vice versa. The advantage of using money in analysis is that money is very familiar to people and its worth is highly recognized. CBA addresses allocative efficiency which is achieved by minimizing the waste of resources and then to make one person better off without making another loose (Rushby John Cairns, 2006). Tobacco Industry Ethics: 1980-1999: The study is conducted for observing the tobacco Industrys ethical practices for that reason some literature has been explored regarding the desired objective. Tobacco is a major health hazard and an important economic commodity. It is very rational to say that if it would have been useful to use tobacco products then anti tobacco campaigns must not have been accepted so widely. On the other hand, the market for tobacco is so big that these anti tobacco regulations are hard to implement. The management of every joint-stock company is commissioned by the shareholders to achieve the maximum profit on the capital invested and to increase its market share. Consequently, a decrease in tobacco consumption or the number of consumers is not in the interests of the tobacco companies. Their goal is to increase production and consumption. The tobacco companies do not, as a rule, make statements implying that the use of their products can lead to illness or death. They may say that tobacco has been considered to be associated with increased risks. As ethical considerations now are accepted by the tobacco industry itself, an analysis of their practice of autonomy, doing good, justice and doing no harm could be done and analysed (Fagerberg et al, 1990). Now when people make informed choice that is claimed by tobacco industry to be autonomy. When people enjoy the tobacco products and consider them as their need, tobacco industry terms it as doing well to people. Allowing people to make the choices under no authority is doing justice and there is no final medical report for health consequences so that means doing no harm in the eyes of tobacco industry (Tobaks, 1990) All these arguments can be refuted asserting non-profitable motives in the service of humanity, and with the guiding principle of ethical responsibility formulated by the philosopher Hans Jonas in (1984). Thus the tobacco companies can be accused of misusing the word autonomy as they overlook the fact of chemical dependency on tobacco. Also, the long-term effects are so immense that it is difficult to defend short-term motives of both consumers and the industry. The arguments for justice and doing no harm are counteracted by the knowledge that use of tobacco leads to lesions, sometimes direct mortal lesions, and by the circumstances that general knowledge based on facts can hardly be achieved to a sufficient degree in a whole population. To sum up, it is insane for the tobacco companies to find moral defenses for their misconduct. Despite overwhelming scientific evidence against cigarettes, the tobacco industry continues to debate over the controversial results of different scientists for proving or disproving smoking as an important cause of deaths by various diseases (R